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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Wow….kinda of quiet in my blog…long long time nv blog le…haha…time 2 blog!!!!recently had been busy with projects reports projects reports…sianz..mummy was angry with me 2dae..sobz sobz..cuz 2dae I seem a bit anxious as it was pretty late already nn I was kinda of impatient with alan..my mummy feels that y m I soo anxious 2 go work when I m with her..then she starts 2 compare again..said that time I was out with sweetie then late 4 work 4 abt an hr etc..so in e end,e journey from bukit batok to tiong bahru..we didn’t talked a single words..so obvious that she’s angry with me…haiz..of cuz I will feel kinda of sianz..2dae at work,shang jing asked me y I looked so sianz..actually I don..but don noe y he said that..perhaps I appeared to be..a bit..think he’s e only 1 that felt that way..so he kept askinq me did anythinq happen..he’s a observant guy..haha..amalfi seems 2 have a phtoo takinq session 2nitez..haha..takinq pics here nn there..felix wanna take photo with me but I rejected again..it’s not e 1st time le..but 2dae I juz simply got no mood to..i din even feel like takinq e grp pic with them at all..but will pulled me then felix kept askinq me to..felix some more said I don give him face..haha..not so serious..but I jus not photogenic nn don really like 2 take pic too..seriously..

Anyway..felix is my kor kor now..haha..surprised???e only kor kor in my entire life!!!!!haha..he shld feel honoured..haha..he asked me wat shoes I wan again or wat stuff I wan..i told him I wan a polka dot shoes..then he immediately used his hp called his frd in m’sia..very ex..btu too bad..e frd’s workplace nv sell..nv mind..he gonna leave amalfi soonz..i told him I gonna be very happy..haha..but still will say some touchinq words like gonna miss u lots etc..haha..kinda of lame..

Exams r round e corner..think I really got 2 study hard now..no more slackinq..finally watched finished e it started with a kiss videos..very sweet love..ppl r once again askinq me y m I still not attached???as usual,I gave them e reply that I cant commit as I m too busy..so 1 of my frd reply was…asked me go listen 2 this song jie kou..haha..wat a funny reply from him…think he’s e 1st 1 that gave me such reply..maybe juz like wat he said..it’s excuses..i don noe..perhaps..think my heart needs some stimulation 2 get it workinq again…it’s kinda of dead now..haha..juz jokinq..if is dead then I wont be here typing entry le..haha..

No guys so far can make my heart skip a beat juz like e way he did……

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4:03 AM

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

16 July

*yawn* 2dae replace dar dar at work cuz she was havinq headache..woke up early..tired..thought workinq with jacelyn in e morninq only..but in e end I saw snow as well..was pretty surprised..cuz I thought she workinq at 3 then saw her in e morninq..so thinkinq maybe they changed e schedule..but anyway nv mind..doesn’t matter..feel kinda of stress cuz I will be doinq cashierinq as well..nervous..haha..anyway e 3 of us very fast finished up our work already..hooray~then we had mee goreng 4 lunch..anyway 2dae meetinq Maggie,lao san,sweetie nn dar dar 4 steamboat..i goinq after work..haven study 4 my BI test as well..but I did brought e notes out..my mummy some more said I soo dotz..haha..had a chat with shang jing too..then got e amalfi cheese cake recipt from him..i was tryinq 2 study BI but didn’t get in much too..haha..dotz..then finally 6 le..still don c my dar dar nn sweetie..dot..they said will come down find me then go marina bay 2getehr..still don c them..late again!!!!!!!!!!argggggggggg…I got changed then heard from jacelyn she saw cindy walkinq 2wards amalfi..after that I think I saw her too but she’s walkinq backwards..it makes me confused..she called me sayinq she cant come closer cuz she’s afraid she might saw chong..she told him she’s not feelinq well..haha..then I went 2 find her in e bus stop..dar dar tok so long..dot..sh’s 4ever late so expected too..ya then we took mrt to marina bay..mei qi nn Maggie went early 2 chop place 1st..of cuz we waited so long 4 e bus..really had been a long long time since I last went there..e last time was last yr class chalet..we went zheng fa eat..haha..had lots of fun back then..all e fond memories..gonna miss them lots..don wish yr 3 2 come by so fasr..plssssssssssss…then we went 2 sth bang 2 eat..it was damn hot..very oily too..e oil kept “flying” 2 my face..sobz sobz..Maggie was damn nice..kept cooked prawns 4 us 2 eat..thanks a lot!!!!e food there was alright only..still prefer long chun cuz I feel there’s more food then got my FAV “yuan yuan”..that’s wat I call it!!!!!haha..at till 9 plus then I really got 2 go le..very late then my mummy kept callinq me le..sadden..cant join them at swensen..sobz sobz..

18 July

wooo…woke up late 2dae!!!!!!gosh…but still make it on time..haha…proj 2 was totally HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!god plssssssss help us!!!!!!!haiz…yr 2 really stress..rwp muz hand up report..proj 2 also..then GEM got presentation..haizz…this morninq,feliz msged me asked me wat time is my lesson then whether wanna meet him take e shoes..then when I was on my way 2 mrt,he’s only at TPY..so of cuz cant possibly meet him le..but was kinda of shocked that he really got me a shoes..i was juz sayinq only..anyway heard from him is red nn white..haha..RED!!!!!!I nv had a red shoes b4 so…interestinq..haha..then noon time he sms me again..asked whether wanna go work 2gether..but in e end I didn’t..i juz remembered sth..my mummy said I damn evil..made him carry e shoes ard..from yest till 2dae..2 days already..he pretty patient abt it..2dae he brought 2 sch then 2 work again..haha…sorry boy..didn’t mean it..i was kinda of late..e lu~est thing is..i 4GOT 2 brinq my uniform..i only realized it when I was at je..i was thinkinq whether shld I go hm nn take it..so I called my mummy..her advice was nono..go work nn c.ya I noe e cupboard have but I don wanna wear those..guess I got no choice..sobz..so a usual meet Wilson at bus stop..e 2 of us reached at almost e same time..then e 1st thing I do when I reached amalfi was 2 dig e cupboard 4 uniform.felix called me I also tell him later..i wan my uniform 1st!!!!!!!haha..so funny..inside only got L size..will gave me a hand too..so I took a L size shirt nn a S pant..then will go chage 1st whereas I went kitchen 2 look 4 felix..he passed me e shoes..wow..e shoes box pretty big..can euu imagine him carryinq it ard???but he’s sweet nn kind..haha..so I brought 2 outside toilet nn open it up..haha..i was laughinq like hell..red…then I called will..so funny..he opened e door,looked nn said not bad then he closed again..i was like..huh???thought he changed finished le then y still close e door..i wanna change too!!!!!!so I asked him..in e end,he opened e door again nn show me his dressinq..haha…his casual shirt nn amalfi pant..haha..damn funny..shld c him how he looks like then only then u noe how funny is it..then I went 2 change..wow..so big 4 me..will laughed till cant..so he’s kind enough nn offer 2 changed with me his shirt..cuz accordinq 2 him,he feels that his L size shirt had shrink in size so I might look better in his shirt than this shirt..so I got changed..to him,he feels that I look better with his shirt cuz smaller in size..but anyway is sweet nn kind of him 2 change with me…THANKS BOYY!!!!!2dae only 4 ppl workinq..dotz..i was workinq in e bar..poor will..anna seems 2 be pickinq on him 2dae..haha..anyway uncle dan asked felix made supper 4 us..i had a margarita pizza but only ate 2 slices cuz mummy callinq 2 rush me nn daddy waitinq 4 me..will damnn funny..i told him I go off 1st but he wnna go 2gether..so he ate very fast..cant take away too.haha..then I tried e shoes 2 show felix too..haha..he thought I wearin that home..at 1st I intend to..but if I do that then I too Christmas tree le..green,red nn white too..haha..cant!!!!!!but was grateful 2 him..now at home blogginq then was chattinq with b_f ,jx,shang jing,dar dar,felix nn teck ming too..juz finished up with e cca form thingy but left 1 more missinq info..jx damn lulu..so curious 2 noe who m I out with tml..even put as her nick..dotz..lululu~~then she don wan tell me e adm no till I told her who m I goinq out with..she thought is naing or reave..but I kept her in suspense..in e end..she gave me MCQ 2 choose from..e 2 of us so lulu..haha..while I was at work,naing msged me saying m I that busy??he very long nv c me..so I replied him then I was waitinq 4 his reply but he didn’t..made me waitied 4 soo long..so when I reached home,we chatted on msn..he said me nv replied his sms..i was like..haha..i did replied!!!!!but he didn’t…then he said he did reply too!!!!!nn I didn’t reply him..so e 2 of us very lulu..waitinq 4 each other reply..haha..i ignored kiddie..haha..over a minor matter..haha..he said sorry le but I still didn’t reply him..nv mind..oh no..haven study 4 astro test…die die…gonna slpe..nitez nitez..*shirley in her fairytale land*

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2:40 AM

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Is juz another dae 4 me..but really had a serious chat with jx 2dae durinq BI lecture..we were talking lots.. it makes me ponder over it as well.. haizz…really thanks a lot dearie..i noe euu care lots..muackz..if euu got pro also can find me yea??I will be there 4 euu..I feel that I really don understand myself anymore..don noe wat I wan..sometimes I jzu feel soo toopid..everytime go friendster then will c did his last login etc..he didn’t rely me since then..neither do I c him on msn as well..haizz..alan alan… I really wonder..did u make a right choice by gettinq his no nn allow us 2 be back in contact again..seriously I have nv think that we will ever c each other or even get back in contact..euu r e 1 that makes it happen.. shld I be happy abt it?? Yes nn no..mixed feelinqs..perhaps gettinq back in contact noeing that he’s doin great, I might still be happy..but he’s obviously not..seeing him again really stirred up my heart nn feelinq..kiddie is feelinq sad 2dae again..some how I really feel he’s pretty complex or rather complicated in terms of thinkinq..then I cant help him much too..feelinq kinda of bad..sorry abt it..ya recently had been very close with manda as well.haha..had a chat with daddy as well..he said he’s will juz be like before,cover all my expenses if I choose not 2 work..but it gonna be damn stressful 4 my mummy nn daddy..though I might not be earninq big bucks,but it sort of lessen their burden..i think I will continue 2 work unless I cant cope with my studies anymore..tml got 2 work..haizz.sianz..no dar dar..no will..some more got reservation..makes me even more sianz..don noe y now seems 2 have no motivation 2 go work..but anyway still got 2 go..cant ps then..u cant have everythinq that u wan 2 happen in live so think I gonna juz bear with it nn go work..thanks 2 will!!!he nv tell me got reservation..if noe,I sure wont put de..haha..evil me..i had been sleepinq every late nowadays..haizz…tml got rwp test..is 30%..every1 pls wishes me good luck…off 2 bed..night..*Shirley enters her world of lollipops*

Once again, euu presence has affected my mood, my heart nn thoughts
When can I ever clear u off my memories completely??
But I noe euu gonna have a place in heart even when I clear euu from my memories…
Sounds ironic isn’t it??
I didn’t noe one could take soo long to forget someone..

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11:40 AM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

10 July

2dae is mondae again..back to sch..last nitez I watched e final match that marks e end of the world cup..italy vs france…managed 2 watch e 1st half nn e starting of 2nd half..b4 2nd half can finish,I m like already Z z Z z..haha..…kinda of excitinq..i was on msn chattinq with frds..then i on e tv slightly 5 min late.. france GOAL!!!!that’s so fast!!!soonz italy managed to catch up too..

2dae suppose 2 meet kiddie 2 take e poster I suppose or wat u call it..haha…then feelinq kinda of weird that I got 2 meet him..anyway after the pme tutorial,we went 2 e library 2 do our proj 2 report..wow..really stress > _ < I was like damn blurr already..feelinq a bit worried cuz later naing cominq 2 library as well..he ended his lesson at 5.30..then I ws supposed 2 meet kiddie at 5.15 but he changed to 5.30..i was like..dotz..maybe they r meant 2 c each other afterall..haha..dotz… then abt 5.45pm,he called 2 say he reached already so I went down 2 meet him..I saw him..he gave me e poster..i said thanks 2 him of cuz..he was askinq me u don wanna take a look? Ya I looked at it then..very very cute..got lots of babies pictures in it..then I saw e quote..feelinq kinda of awkward ..ya then after that I said byee 2 him cuz he gonna go 4 cca already..juz then..i saw naing!!!!he said hi 2 me..but reave didn’t c him..then naing thought that he saw him but didn’t wish 2 say hi..naing was askinq me y m I behavinq so weirdly..haha..ya I m..a bit..cuz in e end,they still meet..actually not literally meet as well..then after that,continue with e report..haizzz..do till abt 8..thanks a lot 2 qing yu nn li hua!!!!ya went home 2gether with them..then they saw e poster as well..e plastic was like so big..then they were askinq me how come suddenly appear 1 big plastic bag..haha..like so obvious..went 2 eat dinner with qing yu at KFC..initially wanna go FC 4 but close le..*sobz* naing wrote 4 me a testi then I got shoot by them till even wear bullet proof also no use….but we r juz frds of cuzz..

11 July

2dae decide 2 go bugis with wen qian nn jx..in end will nn I decide 2 tag along as well..manda join us too..wen qian was simply so high 2dae duri rwp lesson..she laughed till her whole face turns red..haha..after that we went FC 4 eat cuz I really feel like eating e Indonesia fish fillet..haha..so e rest accommodate with me..right after that we proceed off 2 bugis.by then was like almost 3..pretty late..so we juz went 2 bugis street nn shop..poor will nn me..no pay..goinq 2 bugis is totally a wrong choice cuz it will tempt us lots..but 2dae is we accompany wen qian 2 shop..haha..anyway was like kinda of tired after that..manda saw a polka dot shoes..i also think it looks nice..i wanna buy shoes too!!!!!!haha..add on to my collection..haha..i wan clothes!!!long time nv shop 2 clothes le..*sobz sobz*then at abt 5 plus,we went 2 work..sianz..2dae only 5 ppl working..saw e new trainee..her name is snow..haha..interesting name right??haha..then I working in e bar 2dae..felix was workinq 2dae as well..didn’t expect him to cuz he usually got 4 his hip hop class on tue..long long time nv c him le..without fail as well,he started teasin me etc etc..2dae was pretyy busy..then I feel that I m feelinq sick again..feel kinda of terrible..then my throat don feel well too..so happy that is already 11..finally can go work le..went home bathe then do continue on my report..will was like askinq me don do go slp cuz he noe I m tired already..but I still managed 2 anyhow do a bit nn complete it..was chattinq on msn as well..with manda,jx,kai,naing etc..

12 July

2dae I woke up late..haha..went back 2 slp after my alarm had rang..then after that I stil slowly bathe etc..dotz..reached sch abt 10.40..saw Jeremy on mrt..don noe y always bump onto him nn he nv failed 2 tease nn disturb me..he kept askinq me join him nn e gf in ballroom dancinq..haha..i was like “no thanks..i damn busy le”he askinq me to..i m very firm abt this dude..so sorry..no still means a no..haha..we went 2 eat FC 5..so funny..manda asked me helped her carry her purse so I did..then after that I was like thinkinq 2 play with her.so I kept her purse with mine too nn put inside my bag.after that I totally 4got abt it till I opened up my bag 2 take sth then I saw it..then I suppose manda also 4got abt it..nv take from me too..i told jx abt it..haha..i was down there laughinq then received a msg from manda askinq me is her purse with me..she finally realised it!!!!!! then after that we went 4 mentroinq sesson after gem class..saw Jason,Adrian,he lang,jada etc at mrt station there..they were wearin formal 2dae..then Jason down there very lame…said our dressinq match 2dae then can go out 2gether etc..haha..but he still looks very ginna though..haha..2dae weather is very hot but I m still not feelinq hot at all..think I gonna fall sick soonz again..*sobz*ya manda nn I were like shootinq each other now..practically everydae..e others also shoot me..haha..manda too..poor manda..cant escape e fate too!!!!!haha..i m back with my mentee William again..was mentorinq him with Jeremy..actually I didn’t do much 2dae..juz helping out a bit only..jeremy did most of e work..haha..he gave me a bar of chewinq gums too!!!!thanks dude..he quite nice..offer 2 help me carry my files etc when he saw me like takinq so many stuff..we went down 2 e canteen..then naing was playinq yoyo there 2 show e kids.they simply idolise him!!!!!haha..then naing came over used e yoyo 2 do a heart shaped nn said I ….Jeremy saw it!!!!!!!!dotz..think he must be thinkinq damn y now..gosh..then e security guard also likes 2 disturb me..cant remember wat incident already..but since then,whenever he sees me,he will always “byee byee”haha..funny..ya manda,Jeremy nn ii played soccer with William..e weather damn hot..some more I m wearing skirt..play soccer??Seems no link right..haha..after playinq a while,then we decide 2 take a rest at e canteen..i was juz tellinq manda can we on e fan..then e security guard heard it..he said”yaya I will go on e fan”haha..gave me a shocked..i didn’t noe he heard it..some more I sayinq 2 manda..anyway 2dae really get shoot..like they said naing is e daddy cuz he carried William then I m carrying his bag, then they said I m e mummy..dotz..on our way out, then security guard disturb me again by doin e byee byee thingy..haha..then naing was like saying”don disturb my g_f” of cuz I noe he’s beinq funny,playinq a fool..but wat will e others think esp Jeremy when he already like think y y..wat makes me most embarrassed is on our way 2 e bus stop..we were walkinq 2gether then naing was beside me..don noe wat he said then suddenly he put his hand round my shoulder..dotz..gave a shocked!!!!!!!!!then I quickly move away..think wen qian,jx nn Jeremy all saw it..damn embarrassed..Jeremy some more said don need 2 explain..oh no..ya on e bus,naing was teasinq manda abt her “tire” thingy..haha..funny..poor manda..naing was sitin down so manda gave him her handbag 2 carry nn my files etc as well..from tehn he heped me carry all e way le..thanks!!!~ ^ _ ^ ~ we went 2 eat.e 3 of us ate hokkien mee nn he ate porridge..naing damn lame..tellinq us those lame jokes..very racist 1..haha..but funny…ate le then went home..anyway 2dae get shoot lots of times..then manda kept laughing nn laughing at me..thanks..will be my turn soonz..haha..2dae is poly 50 as well..kiddie got took part in it..really kiddie..heard from jx is run round e sch 50 times…each grp got abt 10 ppl..so each person runs 5 rounds..he damn dotz..allen nn Eileen was in poly 50 too..haha..it’s like geetinq so late then..time to slp..night..*Shirley in her lala land*

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12:25 PM

Monday, July 10, 2006

8 July

2dae woke up damn early..at abt 6 plus..i only slept 4 abt 3 hrs at most..i was still feelin sick then took flu tablet at abt 5 then went 2 slp..woke up at abt 10 plus as I thought e soccer match between Portugal nn germany was on sat morning..in e end I was wrong..dotz..my mummy went down bought breakfast 4 mi..so sweet of her..love her lots..ya then after that meet jx nn wen qian at je mrt but wen qian 4got 2 take sth so ask us 2 go ahead nn meet li huan at clementi 1st..jx nn I were chatting on e train..she told me lots of stuffs..so funny..abt my tu di as well.he really damn ginna..cant be helped..haha..was kinda of tired too..didn’t had enough slp..ya by e time,we reached harbour front,Adrian is already there..looking 4ward2 c how e jersey looks like..so excited 2 have a jersey with my name..*grinning*finally Ervin came nn we got our jersey!!!!then we went to e toilet n get changed..jx nn I were like so lu..we helped each other tear off e transparent sheet on our jersey..haha,,,so dotz..actually,we can come at 9 de..sit down there also nothing 2 do..juz chatting here nn there..haha..

anyway,li hua is in e same grp as me..hooray..we went 2gether 2 mac 2 tell e GL n GM that we r goin off le then chatted with manda nn naing 4 a while too..we carried lots of stuff..really lots..hopefully everything will turn out well 2dae..

then we went off 1st 2 sentosa with all e stuffs that we r carrying..some more e weather damn hot 2dae..die..then we went 2 emerald pavilion 2 gather instead..put down all e stuffs then li hua nn I went 4 our photo takin session..haha..we went 2 take scenary..i m pretty good at it.. = x…haha..then saw gals wearing bikini too..li hua asked me take le nn show will..so funny..ya I took but not clear enough..sorry boyy..apologises 2 euu..haha..then e main com were playing volleyballs themselves..li hua nn I didn’t went cuz we decide 2 stay nn look after e bags..soon some grps reached e pavilion..they put down their bags too nn start their bonding games with e GL..we were jzu roaming abt..looking 4 nice spots 2 capture..then manda reached with her grp as well..then naing too..he wanna go play games so leave all his belongings with me..his I pod,wallet,necklace,hp..then Jeremy said I m like e wife or gf..help him looked after his stuffs..i was like dotz..actually feelin kinda of stress..his hp damn ex..haha..some more I still got manda’s camera with me too..very ex as well..

we got our luch so we proceed 2 our station with Stanley..not a good weather 2 be in sentosa..hot!!!!!Stanley so funny..I saw him packet chicken rice again!!!then I asked him..packet chicken rice 4 ur partner again???ur partner so blessed!!!haha..i was like thinking y he nv bring mat though he promised he will..he said he did..is inside his bag..wow..i m soo curious..how come his mat can put inside e bag..guess wat is it???is e spiderman mat…think is from kfc or sth..cuz I remembered I used 2 have it as well..haha…dotz..anyway very nice of him 2 bring..thanks!!!!we started drawing out e boundary 4 our game..burying e items etc..upon finishing,we had our luch..it wasn’t that nice afterall..haha..so evil of me..juz cant stand e weather..anyway we waited till 2 plus 4 e 1st grp 2 come..it was manda’s grp..b4 that we went 2 have a walk at e beach..then heard ppl callin my name..thought I hear wrongly but wen qian heard it too..dotz..they were saying sth like nice name nn nice gal etc..dotz..e grp pf guys beside us also called my name..dotz..heard from them they r from sp as well..anyway,I got really tanned..become Indian le..sob sob..die..but lucky my mummy didn’t scold me..muackz..haha..hooray!!!sentosa event finally over le!!!then after that intend 2 go watch musical fountain with li hua..manda nn naing wanna join too..fine with us..so we didn’t join e rest..we went 7-11 2 buy drinks..we damn dotz..don really noe e way 2 musical fountain..haha..anyhow roam nn wonder abt..then manda went 2 ask a lady then in e end she said musical fountain full house le..next show is at 8.40..wow..so late..so we nv watch in e end..sobz..perhaps next time..we damn lulu..took an hrs plus 2 get put of sentosa..roam here nn there..juz very dotz..then on e shuttle bus 2 HF,I was juz standing beside naing nn he asked manda where’s Shirley!!!!!!!dotz..but he didn’t did that on purpose of cuz…nv mind..i will 4give u!!!!ya he said he still owe me my chocolate nn ms sixty deodorant..i dare not take e deodorant..not cheap!!then on e bus,manda stepped on my feet…purposely de!!!!!!haha..wanna noe y???haha..make u guys curious then..haha.
.= x went 2 eat with li hua at HF there..we ate yong tau foo..e curry damn bland..so tasteless..i only eat all e tou foo etc..nv eat e mee hoon..was msgin kiddie all e way..he said he wanna buy me a motivational poster..very cute nn nice..but..it stated”I like e way u r” so he said he didn’t get it..he said he will get it if I wan..dotz..but in e end he still bought it..fickled minded guy..dotz..ya reached home pretty late le..bathe nn juz knocked out..haha..Shirley in lala land le..

9 July

2dae woke up damn late..at abt 11 plus..then my mummy bought me e yummy lor mee..nth much abt 2dae too..yea..we got our happy san frd story le..haha..very funny de..was chatting with los of ppl on msn 2dae..manda,naing,will,jx,reave,poh hong,shang jing,cedrick,Alvin,sweetie,felix etc etc…then Alvin asked me to be his *f..dotz..damn embarrassed..asked me from 1-10,how much I like him..funny..dotz..i was asking nn manda 4 help!!!haha..their response even more funny..1 said ask him go die,don care him etc..haha..in e end I told him e same thing I told him b4..said I cant commit now etc..at 1st,he even said tml go sp find me..i was like plsssssssss don…don me sudden surprise..i got a weak heart..haha..said wanna send flowers etc..haha..dotz..but we r juz frds..feel that kiddie got so much on his mind..hmm..don noe..anyway I took damn long 2 write this entry cuz was like busy on msn.wanna watched e sealed it with a kiss also cant le..dotz..load 4 nth..haha..anyway I disown my tu di le..so no more tu di now..haha..dotz..gonna go watch e final match le..night..

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1:58 AM

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It’s been a few dae since I last blog..hmmm..i got back all my results le..i failed my pme…haiz..sort of expected..but according 2 mr ang,he said might moderate so I might have a chance 2 pass…hopefully..gonna study real hard 4 next exam already..i scored so fast this time..2dae I was sick..initially were juz havin flu then don noe y when I woke up this morning,were kinda of feelin very unwell..nevertheless,I still went 2 sch nn even intend 2 go work as this wk I only work 1 dae..afraid that if I don go work,chandra would be unhappy..but in e end,I didn’t go work..was feelin terrible..managed 2 survive till 5,after BI lesson..haizzz…finally can go home le..after lunch,we went 2 library..suppose 2 do our maths PBL but w had no idea how 2 do it..kian nn will were damn funny 2 imitate clair nn vic..wow…really looks like it!!!!!!!haha…dotz - _ -“” so funny… will didn’t go work too…cuz he got some family problem..definitely 4 sure..some ppl will think that we 2 gang up de..which is not true…if they wanna think that way also no choice..

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9:42 PM

Sunday, July 02, 2006

30 June

finally is e last paper already...haizz..it's wasn't very good as well..time 2 mii 2 wake up nn really reflect le!!!!not more last min revision or studying..this is e 1st time i m soooooooo disappointed with my exams..so lost,so helpless..haiz..b4 e paper received msg from kiddie askin whether i wanna go out 2dae..i told him i cant cuz got 2 go out celebrate manda's bdae..it always seem that i sooo bad cuz everytime i will have sth on de..didn't did it on purpose of cuz..he asked at wrong time..haha..dotz..anyway after the paper,went 2 meet naing 2 pass him e blazer cuz he might be interested 2 buy from alan..then went 2 marina square with 2b22 2 have our lunch at carl's jr...it's sort of a celebration after exam nn manda's bdae as well..e burger taste pretty alright only..not very delicious..taste juzz fine i would sayy..then after that we went 2 shop ard at marina square..wow...so tempted...argggggg...but sad i m broke...*sobz sobz*then e guys followed us as well..after a while wen qian nn jx went off 1st cuz wen qian got meetin nn jx got tuition later..so we continued 2 shop..ya went 2 top shop 2 try on a top..looks preety cute but is like $43..pretty ex...ya was msgin naing then he said he will take e blazer..right after that he told me his mummy said cant then he was feelin very bad abt it..haha..i even add on sth like it's alrite..we r not frds anymore..haha..i m sooo evil..dotz..ya he told me wat he gonna goe 4 manda too!!!shhhhhhhh...cant tell u guys de..a SURPRISE!!!!haha..he said he wanna give me a dedeorant from miss sixty cuz e smell is damn sweet nn he is using it too..dotz..i was like no need.thanks...a bit weird 2 get a gift from some1 w/o no reason..haha..very sweet of kai 2 help me carry my bag cuz he saw that my shoulder were red..he offered 2 help me carry my bag..wow...didn't realised my bag was that heavy..dotz..i put my notes,pencil case all inside..feel kinda of bad 4 ashley.gabriel nn kai cuz while we gals were lookin nn shoppin..they juz waited outside 4 us nn with no complaints at all..thank u soo much!!!!will was like damn lame..kept makin mii nn li hua laugh non stop..haha..anyway after that li hua,manda,will nn mii went bugis 2gether..went 2 help will look 4 skirt..ya he bought a skirt 4 her then manda bought a short as well..prett cute de..got lace somemore..she gonna wear it on her bdae when goin out with wc..then we shopped lots more..wow..damn tired..then meet up with my family at bugis nn manda nnli hua went home le..i was like really shag nn damn tired when waitin 4 my parents..soooo tired...we juz walked a while then had my dinner nn went home le.......i think is simply need more $$$$ 2 shop...so sad...now only can c but cant buy..haiz....whole dae had been msgin..dotz...phone bill come then will be like OMG!!!!!!y sooo ex..haha..was like pretty coincidence..intend 2 msg kiddie nn said good nitez..in e end his good nitez reache dme 1st..haha..so funny..coincidence!!!!!then now still bloggin at 3.34 am..later goin 4 sentosa trial..arggggggg...my parents were like tellin me 2 quit mentorin cuz like takes up so much of my time..haizz..they juz wan me 2 concentrate on my studies now esp after this MST!!they r even more worried when i told them i don noe how 2 do e paper..i even cut down lots on my work schedule now..income also even reduce..nv mind..studies more impt!!!!!!nv think of quitting mentorin..perhaps commitee part..haiz..c it really depends..juz heard from lala that now mentorin gonna have event monthly..this shows that we gonna have more meetin,trial session etc....sure die de..how m i suppose 2 tell my parents again???they sure asked me quit de..dotz..maybe will really quit if cant take it nn handle my studies,work nn cca..no choice..i gonna slp soonz if not tml gonna be damn tired....nitez..
*shirley entering her lala land*

forget e past nn move on with life...

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3:43 AM

Saturday, July 01, 2006

With you my heart will always stay.

With you my thoughts will be every day.

You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away.

Why didn't I say what I needed to say?

You are the one I will always use my wishes on.

You are the one I will always wish was never gone.

I'll constantly wonder what went wrong.

I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.

Let's not unman each other - part at once;

All farewells should be sudden, when forever

Else they make an eternity of moments,

And clog the last sad sands of life with tears.

A goodbye isn't painful unless you're never going to say hello again

When I Look At You My Heart Skips A Beat

But Later That Beat Could Mean A Lifetime Of Tears Wasted

On Something I Knew I Could Never Have

My Heart Was Taken By You,

Broken By You And Now Is In Pieces Because Of You

The worst feeling in the world is giving all the love you have and knowing it will never be returned.

I hope that I die before you do,

my love, because I never want to know the pain of what it's like to be without you.

If I count how many times you've crossed my mind in my entire life,

I'd be lying if I said it was too many cause you only crossed my mind once, why?

You never left ...

to be continued..........

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1:10 PM

Let's not unman each other - part at once;

All farewells should be sudden, when forever,

Else they make an eternity of moments,

And clog the last sad sands of life with tears.

A goodbye isn't painful unless you're never going to say hello again

Whenever I cried

he would always make me feel like

he would change the world if he could

so it couldn't hurt me anymore.

But now I’m crying and he's not here

With you my heart will always stay.

With you my thoughts will be every day.

You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away.

Why didn't I say what I needed to say?

You are the one I will always use my wishes on.

You are the one I will always wish was never gone.

I'll constantly wonder what went wrong.

I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.

to be continued........

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12:57 PM