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Saturday, September 30, 2006

29 Sept

woo~~back from work le..tirnq nitez..had been doinq ice cream order 4 e whole nitez without stoppinq..really pity my hands..had fusili 4 supper..damn full riqht now..fatteninq too..that toopid boyy said me qain weiqht le..i also feel I did..but still cant help it but continue eatinq…beinq able 2 eat is a blessinq..haha..i m blessed now..= )

saw juz 2dae when I was at bb mrt station..chatted with her 4 while waiitnq 4 her train 2 arrive..it’s really been a lonq lonq time ever since I saw her..

kor came 2 sp 2dae..brouqht him 2 e library..then pei him 4 a while there..thanks qing yu 4 lettinq mii ur cash card,,thanks..

as usual or a routine,I will tend 2 read every1’s bloq b4 I slp..read his bloq..haiz..another saddeninq entry..it really breaks our heart 2 see him so qloomy nn feelinq down..euu can tell from those troubled eyes of his..he always looks so depressed nowadays..only occassionaly,he would smilez..it seems 2 mii that he’s smilinq to hide his pain..juz like behind every smilez,there will be a tear..e qal really damn wat..it seems 2 mii that she’s beinq so qreedy here..wan 2 have both quys..i noe it’s bad of mii 2 sayy that..how cruel nn mean can she be??sms 2 sayy patch..it brinqs hope to him nn she shattered his heart once aqain..she has no idea how fraqile his heart is now???will nn I were sayinq abt it..then he feels like beatinq e qal..same sentiments too..plssss..do let him qo since euu quys have broke up..let him qo..don let him continue 2 live in misery nn in e shadows of euu…every moment is juz like eternity 2 him..euu nv noe how much it breaks his heart when he is back 2 e places when euu guys once shared e happy moments..it would only left him cryinq alone..

sometimes we r wronq 2 sayy that quys r more bastard than qals..euu would nv noe..he is still so nice nn carinq 2 speak up 4 her..still defendinq her thouqh she hurts him badly..that’s how faithful of him..how many quys can be like him???

This sonq simply depicts how he feels riqht now..thanks qianz 4 introducinq such a nice sonq thouqh is sad..but it’s really very very meaninqful..





Reminscinq e past do really hurt..
Euu wld nv noe e pain till euu experience

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4:02 AM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006



life seems better now..woo woo..i m damn hiqh 2dae..kept on lauqhinq nn lauqhinq..lele is back from chalet..haha..lulu damn happy now..reunion with e boy..i sound as if they separated 4 very lonq..actualy not at all..juz 3 short days..but 2 her,is like eternity..haha..

had lesson at 8..qosh..damn early..some more is maths..usually i will fall aslp de..but 2dae..i didn't!!!!!*so proud of myself*miss quek was damn funny..her lesson was enjoyable i wld sayy..she tries 2 make it more lively instead of juz borinq maths lesson..then after lesson,i went 2 help kai 2 take e maths worksheet..ms quek asked me..do i have so secret or special r/s with kai??dotz..she's tryinq 2 sayy is he my bf..dotz..i told her not..we r juz close frds..then she asked me y m i so nice??qosh..i m always so nice de..cant help it thouqh..haha..u quys don be jealous..haha..quess lots of ppl muz be vomittinq now..haha..don judqe cuz euu r jealous..

saw will wearinq his new shirt..find it familiar but didn't really c wat's e design cuz i wasn't wearinq my spec..only till we r out of e lecture hall..i saw e desiqn of e shirt..i was kinda of shocked..haha..can euu imaqine??it's exactly e 1 that i had bouqht..then i told him..he said he qonna throw e shirt away le..ya euu better do that boyy..haha..then they started shootinq mii..thanks..shoot mii..poor shirley..haha..= x

went 4 IBME lecture..it seems 2 mii it's juz another BI lecture..next time can sit at e back le..picnic time aqain!!!!!!!haha..but it ends at 11am instead of 12..early dismissal..haha..*grins*

wed is always our fast food dae..had zinger burqer 4 lunch..now really broke le..not a sinqle cent in my purse now..1st time so pathetic..haizz...still owe miss piqlet $$$..qosh..like owinq ppl $$ everyone..i simply hate that..but sorry quys..i qot no choice..wait till i qot $$..sure immediately return de..

went 4 qem..haha..all sounds alien 2 mii..so "interestinq"..was chattinq with jx..ya it's had been a lonq lonq time since we last chatted..remember that time is always BI then we sat at e back nn had our gals' talk..haha..we had 1 2dae too..i laughed til don noe wat when she told me wat she told wei ronq abt e tool box de..haha..qosh..damn hilarious..

later we went cca booth..saw lots of ppl there..saw my dance partner there as well..haha..he flirt..scandal around..still said i m ur only 1..haha..i will tell ur qi qi..haha..euu r dead!!!!!!oops..nah i not so evil thouqh..guys r like that..haha..but it's so fun disturbinq nn teasinq him..then euu muz c his expression!!!si qinna!!!!!haha..princess alister qot us a file!!!!i qot it 1st cuz i not qoinq 4 meetinq on fri..thanks my princess...saw kai nn e gf..wow..e gf damn punk..even qo pierce e mouth..cool~~i wld nv dare 2 do that..i cant stand e pain thouqh..

wat does qivinq up means??
it juz simply means lettinq qo of e thinqs that euu r holdinq on..
how easy it miqht sound or seem to be..
puttinq it into action is totally different issue..
that comes e phase abt
"actions speak louder than words"
how lonq in exact does it takes to forqet someone??
1 day?1 yr?or even a lifetime?
i had no answer to e qn..
all i noe is..
i m tryinq hard to let qoo..
life still continues even without euu in my life..

it reminds mii of e sonq e end of e world..shall upload e lyric as well..very nice meaninq but sad..

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world, `
cause you don't love me anymore?
Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when I lost your love.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why ev'rything's the same as it was.
I can't understand, no I can't understand, how life goes on the way it does!
Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said good-bye.

all i noe is..this sonq reminds mii of marvin..that's wat jx nn qian think too when i showed them e lyric..perhaps e same 4 my buddy..i don noe..but he seems 2 be qettinq better..i don noe..it miqht be a fake smilez aqain..hopefully not.. oh ya..went moberly with buddy cedrick,andrew e crabby, qian,jx nn mii..1st time there..not bad..saw them play..haha..cedrick so lu..andrew seem pro..then i requested whether can he took off his adidas watch nn let mii wear..he did!!!!!haha..i wore it..hmmm,love it!!!!!!!!!haha..ya anyway saw kiddie at his cca booth..haha..

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6:56 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

24 Sept

meet up with e sotonq family 2 celebrate sweetie’s bdae..i went 2 collect e cake at abt 4 plus at prima deli..u noe wat happened??haha..when I opened out e cake,I saw “happy birthdae lao ba”I was like..haha..huh??lao ba???dotz..then I told e person is not supposed 2 be that..is lao da..haha..i had a great lauqh with them..they were lauqhin their heads off too..haha..they offered to took e chocolate out cuz they r afraid that sweetie might be anqry when she saw it..i was like..it’s ok..leave it there..wan her 2 lauqh at it too..memorable nn unforqetable bdae..haha..then meet them at ps e pizza hut..i saw lao san nn Maggie at body shop..they took e cake from me nn waited at pizza hut so as not 2 let sweetie c e cake..

we ordered lasagna beef,2 pizza,qarlic bread nn drumlets..very full~then while Maggie tryinq to serve me e pizza,she accidentally spilled my drink..wow..i m so sweet now..full of pepsi..haha..the bill was like 90++

then we head on 2 e neo print machine to take neo print..nice neo print..juz that e colour wasn’t that nice after all..

we took train 2 orchard as I need 2 get curry puff 4 mummy nn to go 2 amex atm..thank u so muich guys 4 accompanyinq me..really spend lots of sweetie’s bdae..i was like damn damn broke..owe dar $$$..then we went home after that cuz is like almost 9 le..

25 Sept

back to sch..e 1st mass lecture consist of 5 classes!!lots..anyway saw JR even b4 we entered e lecture hall..then inside e lecture hall..he waved 2 mii..so did I wave back..= )
OOP was touqh..was struqqling durinq e practical..askinq li hua nn qing yu 4 help!!!haha..i was like slpin durinq e BMRENG lecture..some more we were sitiinq in front..qosh..so sorry 2 e lecturer..didn’t mean to do it..sorry..it was still a fun dae with my beloved 2b22..oops..shld be 2a22 now..haha..

26 Sept

2dae qonna be another emo entry..haiz…durinq IBE prac lesson,marvin was juz sittinq opp of us..lookinq at him,makes me ache 4 him too..he looks so depressed..unhappy..troubled..qian nn I also cant bear 2 c him in this state..i wonder how come his ** can do this 2 him..so cruel..read his previous entry too..haiz..LOVE..

I quess e ** has absolutely no idea how much she has hurts him..he’s like so fragile now..deeply hurt..

Will was askinq him whether has he been 2 “ice cube” b4..he almost mentioned my gf then he stopped..i assumed he muz had been there with her b4..qosh..then after that he juz kept quietly 4 a moment nn he cont..he muz be hurtinq inside at that pt of time..beinq brouqht back 2 e time when both of them went there..haiz..take care lots..

don noe wat’s wronq with my mummy this few days..she always feel that I m showinq her face when I m not..feelinq so lost in this family now..not loved at all..1st time feelinq this way..i can be in my mummy’s roomw atchinq tv with her nn conversation between us at all..cuz she’s unhappy or angry??that I pulled a lonq face..haiz..whatever..so I went to c my brother maple instead..then in e end,fallen aslp..i only woke up at abt 11 plus..she woke me up usinq a very impatient tone..some more still beinq sarcastic..that really hurts me lots..i don wosh 2 elaborate on wat she said..not interested..i did said new sem,new beginninq..ya my new beginninq was I cant smilez when I m at home..nth seem 2 make me smilez..i didn’t even open my mouth nn talk 4 less than 20 sentences nowadays??perhaps lesser than that..i don noe..it seems 2 mii that I m all by myself..standinq alone..anyway it doesn’t matter..

played maple juz now..i lvl 19 now..wee wee..so happy..

kor went to sp 2 look 4 mii 2dae..meet him up at FC 4..He was with elle..i only can say..if this I e path that u vhose.then I qonna qive euu my blessinq..but plss don come cryinq 2 mii in e end..this is not e outcome I expected..

qonna slp soonz cuz it’s qettinq late nn daddy came over 2 urqe me 2 slp.actually qot lots 2 write b4 I intend 2 bloq..but once I start bloqqinq,I qot nth much 2 sayy le..quess my bloq is e only place I can vent my frustration on...niqht every1..

this new sem doesn't seem to be a qood startinq to mii

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1:35 AM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First Love - Utada Hikaru
Your last kiss had the flavor of tabacco
A bitter and sad scent

Where will you be tomorrow at this time?
Who are you thinking of?

You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else once again
I'll remember to love, you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Until I'm able to sing a new song

Time stood still, but it's trying to move once more
Full of things I don't want to forget

I'll surely be crying tomorrow at this time
I'll be thinking of you

You will always be inside my heart
There's always a place just for you
I hope that I have a place in your heart, too
Now and forever you are still the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Until I'm able to sing a new song

You are always gonna be my love
Even if I fall in love with someone else once again
I'll remember to love, you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Now it's still a sad love song
Now and forever

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3:12 PM





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3:06 PM

Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from http://www.freeglitters.com

without rain,there wont be sunshine..i m waitinq for sunshine to come..

Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from http://www.freeglitters.com

i will never let euu qo??i will..i need time..= )

Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from http://www.freeglitters.com

i m juz doinq that..cuz i totally have no idea wat 2 sayy 2 euu..i only smilez smilez nn smilez..

Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from http://www.freeglitters.com

find this kinda of interestinq..raindrops to cover ur tears so no1 noe euu r cryinq...that's how i interpret..haha..dotz..

Free Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Animated Icons, Friendster Graphics, Piczo Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from http://www.freeglitters.com

that's mii!!!!i admit..haha..but i think i only half spolit rotten..haha..

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5:40 AM

Wat is love all abt?? LOVE is juz simple 4 letters word with many hidden feelinqs nn meaninqs behind it.. thouqh love hurts, euu still c people fallinq in love despite e hurt,heartbreak..perhaps all this makes them becomes a wiser person in their love life..
So plss treasure nn appreciate ur loved ones..don wait till they r qone nn euu started weepinq..it’s all too late..human beinqs also take thinqs 4 qranted..euu tend not to appreciate it while euu r having it..euu only learn how 2 cherish when it’s lonqer there..qone 4 qood..

22 Sept

I was late 4 work 2dae!!!!so I also kinda of don really care..when I reached there,I quickly punched in..then anna said me..asked me to chanqe 1st b4 I punched in next time..don care her..haha..it was damn damn busy..e sales was not too bad..3.8k..

Felix came down to amalfi 2 pass me e tiramisu cake he made..any idea wat time he came down??it was abt 12 plus in e morninq..haha..dotz..anyway thanks a lot!!!

Then anna said she wanan try e cake so I let her try..then she asked chandra try too..they said it wasn’t nice at all..so straiqhtforward..2 sayy it riqht in front of him..then anna said if no1 wants it,she will brinq it home..i didn’t dare 2 sayy it’s mine..don noe how 2 sayy it too..so I chose 2 keep quiet..then I saw her puttinq inside a plastic baq then wanna brinq home le..i qot no choice but use e last resort that is kept hittinq felix..haha..he thouqht wat happened..i told him his “mummy” took my tiramisu..then he shouted at anna in hokkien nn asked her qive back..wow..she muz be feelinq damn embarrassed at that pt of time..anyway she’s also kinda of unhappy that I got e tiramisu cake nn she don has it..some more she’s e qod mother of felix..haha..don be jealous..= p

I took home a bismark pizza with 2 eqqs nn some nuggets 4 my family..thanks Andrew..

Later in e nitez,was chattinq on phone with will nn qianz..as usual,will damn lame..he qot nth 2 do..that explains his actions..haha..let me tell euu quys wat he did..

He went 2 read people’s bloq but he sounds as if he’s reportinq or he’s e commendator 4 some basketball or soccer match..e backgrd music he played was tui hou..like so not match at all..his tone nn e music..wat a qreat combination!!!!!haha..dotz..

Then I did e lu-est thinq on earth..i juz fallen aslp..haha..but cant blame me thouqh..i wanna slp le but that toopid boyy..don allow me put down phone..some more I not sitiinq in front of com or anythinq..i already off e liqhts..lyinq on bed le..in slpinq mode le..haha..so I juz fell aslp like that..

Actually chattinq with them at such late hours or shld I say early in e morning reminds me of him..we used 2 chat till such late hours..after leadinq back 2 current life.i seldom chat on phone anymore..all is sms..

Then when I woke up this morninq,I m still puzzled how did I fell aslp..haha..did I put down e phone??so I asked alan..he told me that my daddy is e 1 who helped me put e phone back 2 e oriqinal position..haha..oops..so my mummy asked who did I chatted with last nitez..i told her..then she said sth like that..”I noe euu used 2 chat with him in e middle of e nitez too”hmmm,ya mummy reminds me of that aqain..but that was all in e past..

23 Sept

woke up early 2 meet felix,dar,shanq jinq,snow etc 4 dim sum buffet at harbour front draqon qate restaurant..

kinda of reluctant 2 wake up..meet shanq jinq at bukit batok platform then we took train 2 harbour front..snow was already there when we reached..we r sliqhtly late..haha..then abt 15 min later,dar arrived so we decide 2 qo in nn eat 1st..

we ordered lots..haha..i juz ate a bit then damn full le..haha..there will be a second round…no worries..i m not a small eater..haha..felix was damn late!!!!!btw.he reached was like almost 1 le..haha..dotz..qing sianq came too..i m surprised..it’s been quite sometimes since I last saw him..it was on dar’s bdae..haha..then felix’s another mei was here too..her name is Janice..i saw her b4 when she came down to amalfi that time..she damn tall..1.71m..i m not that short either..haha..guys..don start lauqhinq..i really not that short too thouqh a bit..haha..but I m a qal afterall..don need to be that tall too..if not very difficult find a bf..haha..

I saw june when I went to e toilet..she was with her sec school frds..my 1st qn 2 her was..euu came with mr s****** is it??haha..i m sooo cheeky..= x

Felix paid 4 me 4 e buffet..think Janice kinda of unhappy..she’s jealous..cuz felix nv pay 4 her..i feel bad lettinq him pay too..i will pay him back when I qot my pay..i really damn broke now..serious..

After that we went to meet felix’s frd pearly..she’s e qal that juz broke up with e bf cuz he 2 time her..poor qal..she had been so upset till she kept herself at home 4 a total of 3 weeks!!!!!!!qals always seems 2 be e victim when it comes 2 love..my heart aches 4 her..she’s another tall qal too..but she super skinny!!!!!!!!2dae qot this 2 tall qals with us..then felix kept suan me..

We sent snow back 2 amalfi..so sweet of us..haha..then dar said she don wan 2 qo down to orchard..i m in such a difficult position..felix wan me to meet elle..then he already called me early in e morninq tellinq me that after eatinq dim sum we will qo 4 a walk..i said yes 2 him cuz dar said she will qo too..then in end she don wan qo aqain..that explains y I m in such a difficult position..

For sure,dar wan me to qo down with her 2 her mummy’s dessert shop de..i cant leave her alone too..then euu shld c e expression that felix qave me..but of cuz he wont let dar 2 qo alone too..but he wan me qo town with them..i kinda of don like qo town now cuz I m afraid miqht c him..in e end,I went to dar’s parents’dessert shop with dar mm shanq jinq..he came alonq too..kor was kinda of anqry with him..but he will be fine soonz de..

Lonq time nv qo to e ABC market le..so dar’s ummy dessert shop is there..1st time 2 e dessert shop..meetinq my parents in law..haha..dotz..they sell many varieties of desserts there..let me had a hard time thinkinq wat 2 eat..haha..in end I ate,soursop..yummy..ate hokkien mee as well cuz dar’s said is very delicious..we ordeer 2 plates then e 3 of us share..i was kindA of bothered whether shld I qo down to town 2 find felix later cuz he asked me too..i feel kinda of bad too..ps him..but I qot to..no choice..i only cans ay sorry..
So I decide 2 qo down a while to pass hi e dessert..in e end, juz as I expected,he’s at cine..i don wan go there..asked him go mrt then he complained too far..so that’s bad..no dessert 4 ya..haha..so I packet dou sou 4 my parents then took bus with them..i aliqht half way at outram mrt..more convenient 4 mii too..don need qo all e way 2 clarke quay then chanqe aqain..

Meet daddy nn mummy 2 qo home..i was like feelinq damn tired nn sleepy e moment I reached home..haha..so I quickly bath,eat e dou sou nn slp..slp all e way till 12am..got lots of missed calls nn msq..cant even slp properly..hp kept vibratinq..but I nv care de..i slpinq like piq..haha..

Then I replied Jackson..qot 2 noe that he waited 4 mii in maple till 7 plus in e morninq..oops..i feelinq so bad..didn’t mean to..actually I said I will maple in e noon kinda of juz 2 fu yan euu..but when I reached home,I really damn tired..so nv maple le..didn’t noe euu really will wait till so lonq..sorry..no next time..i promise..

Was chattinq with kor..hmmm..don noe wat 2 sayy to him too..cuz I already said wat I shld say le..e rest is really depends on euu le..euu muz be firm abt ur feelinq nn emotion..cant always tell me euu don noe..i told euu..a wishy washy nn uncertain abt their feelinq guy will let a qal feels insecure..euu aqree too..euu cried aqain..this is e 2nd time euu cried in front of me bcuz of her.of cuz that time is worst!!!!certain thinqs I find it easier 4 mii to type it out 2 euu then tell euu..elle is not e riqht qal 4 euu..if euus till choose 2 qo ahead,I qot nth 2 sayy,,thouqh riqht now,euu asked me wat shld euu do..euu even intend 2 help her patch with her ex thouqh it hurts euu..i rather euu feel hurt now then she hurts euu in end..she’s not as simple as euu think..outsider can c it better..she said she loves her ex,cant 4qet him nn yet she’s like behavinq like a couple with euu…euu finally realized that she’s treatinq euu like spare tyre..qive it a thouqht..it’s not like no qals wan euu..but like I said,it’s all up 2 euu..i don wish 2 sayy much too..

Take care of e person who loves euu
Nv tell lies or attempt to hurt them
Becuz euu will nv realise how important they r
Until they r out of ur life..

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4:31 AM

Friday, September 22, 2006

after all,i quess it ain't that easy 2 qive up..but that doesn't mean i qonna qive up..i will still try..*determined*some more i qot my buddy with me too..he also tryinq..i muz encouraged him too..he's such a sentimental guyy..fatihful too..he muz be feelinq damn hurt this time round..or rather tired that's y he finally choose 2 let qo..e qal had absolutely no idea that she had took away his smilez..e smilez that i always c when i 1st noe him..e quy who cheat others with his poker trick..he's no lonqer e same..he tryinq 2 smilez now..i told euu b4..watever it is,whenever euu need me,i'll be there..don cry by urself..don bottom ur feelinq up..share it with some1..if not euu qonna really be called "sadrick"..haha..wishinq ya becominq a happier person..don fake up ur smilez yea??cry when euu r sad..smilez when u r happy..i understand how euu feel..i had told u all i wanna sayy..now i only can sayy jia you jia you ba..

smilez from e bottom of ur heart..
not to hide ur sorrows..

don noe yy..sweetie seem so emotional nowadays..2dae she esp msg me said she don feel loved by us at all cuz we haven date her out..this cominq mon which is 25/9 is her bdae..we pretend not to know..actually we got her sth le..then euu c her nick..it states she seems so disappointed in us..perhaps she is..afterall,she's kinda of tired of stuff ard her esp her love life..juz feel that ppl ard me r changing or m i still e same??still at e same place..but i m movinq on..haha..no worries..

i qonna slp b4 my mummy wakes up..new sem startinq soonz...new beginninq..i m lookinq 4ward..wish me luck guys..haha..

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5:24 AM

Thursday, September 21, 2006

19 Sept

I m off from work 2dae..qoin to will’s house with qian,li hua nn qing yu 2 bake cookies nn cook pasta..haha..wee wee..sounds so cool..haha..meetinq qian nn qing yu 11 ay je..i was on e same train on qian but I didn’t noe abt it till she sms me nn asked me wat’s inside my qreen bag..only then,I kept turniniq around 2 search 4 her but to no avail..i couldn’t c her at all..after that she walked over 2 join me..qing yu was already waitinq 4 us..wat’s funny is li hua decided 2 take train over 2 meet us at je ionstead whereas we already board e train 2wards clementi.haha..in e end,we qot 2 aliqht at clementi 2 wait 4 her instead..

Upon reachinq,we went 2 e “red man” that will is referrinq to..it’s not actually.haha..we bouqht super biscuit mix,biq packet of chocolate chip,whippinq cream etc..then we went off 2 e bus stop 2 take a bus 2 his house..juz then we realized that we did not buy any ingredients 4 e spag..dotz..so will went into shop nn save 2 get a packet of breast chicken nn parmesan cheese..we qonna cook creamy spag..qosh..hopefully qing yu nn I will be able 2 take it..

E whole process of makinq cookies was damn fun especially when euu get 2 c ur furst batch of cookies so successful..that toopid boyy said he got no confident in other stuff other than his chocolate mousse..of cuz that include e cookies nn spaq..toopid..e cookies tastefraqgance..

We did a few lu stuffs 2dae..while boilinq e spaq half way,e gas juz went off..qosh..qod noe wat went wronq..actually eno more qas..haha..lulu..so will called 2 order another 1..tonly then can cont cookinq..but I 4qot 2 leave e spaq soakinq inside e water..sorry..anyway it was damn creamy..i cant eat it without e chili sauce..qianz loves it!!!!!!will kept down there complaininq full..dotz..haha..after meal,we had our dessert ,chocolate mousse..

Then will taught me how 2 play dota 4 a while nn we went 2 watch yu le bai fen bai..it was as usual..kinda of funny..juz then cedrick called 2 take me abt e active dae stuff..next some1 sms me asked me 2 replace her on work..i don noe who is it thouqh..later I qet 2 noe is jacelyn..then she called from alafi asked me qo work 2dae as not enouqh ppl..i don wan..haha..

20 Sept

went 2 work 2dae..dar asked me work cuz she needs a dae off..2dae customers family de..our 1s customer was ang moh family with a very very cute little boyy..so cute..with biq briqht eyes..cant help but kept lookinq at him..i was playinq with him..then later e daddy asked anna whether can we help him looked after e boyy while they had their dinner..she aqreed.then she asked us look after..e boyy was damn hyper active..run here nn there..qosh..we qot 2 chase after him nn catch him back..i carried him too..then there is this time when he hold on to my hand nn I wanna brinq him go inside then he almost fell..anna saw it..she was like sayinq me..aiyo cant like that draq him de..dotz..not as of I did it on purpose..he also lied on e floor don wanna wake up..she said me..don care her..think she’s bothered by her family pro..nvm..juz bear with her..

21 Sept

BP active dae..so lazy 2 wake up in e morning 2 qo sch..juz feel like slpin..haha..it was a fun dae 2dae..i was e qame master of e qame bandwidth..very easy qame..juz put e toothpick inside ur mouth nn pass e rubber band 2 ur team member without e use of hands..muz be careful wor..euu muz juz kiss 1 another..haha..but so far,no such cases happeninq 2dae..haha..had buffet 4 lunch..wow BP damn rich..we had buffet at GG there..nice ambience..we had buffet 4 dinner as well..e food was not bad..was pissed with my daddy now..he complained that I nv do e stuff that he wan..dotz..unreasonable..4get abt it..sianz..then my library books..2dea due date!!!!I brought 2 sch nn 1 4got 2 return..sianz..think tml muz go sch return..then work..sianz..

Cedrick my best buddy seems 2 be feelinq vexed..he told me..

New sem,new start,new beginninq..

Ya rite..he said we both shld do that..ya we shld..i m still thinkinq shld I delete his contact in msn etc..but that seems a but cruel..like so bad too..cant even be frds anymore?think we can de..hope so..it still takes time..~ ^ _ ^ ~

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11:46 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

16 Sept

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.

a dae out with him..= ) lucky got alan nn his frd ard too..if not I don noe how 2 survive there..haha..sounds as if I takinq part in some survivor game..nah I m not..juz don noe wat 2 chat abt only..last nitez was still havinq emotional struqqle reqardinq shld I still meet him 2dae..no ans 2 my qn thouqh..haha..lousy tweet..then he sms me while I was workinq 2 ask whetherm I still goinq cuz I told him I might not be able 2 make it due 2 my aunt there all cominq..anyway he called me..i didn’t ans..that’s me..don have e habit of pickinq up calls anyway..so euu guys noe it,call me more than ONCE..haha..initially was uppose 2 wake up at 9 but lai chuang till 10..haha..then I replied his sms..tellinq him that we can meet another dae..asked him go do his stuff 1st..he thought I was mad nn angry with him..obviously I m not..but in e end,still meet up..dotz..alan went too..haha..waited 4 him at bukit batok platform..we were sittinq there waitinq 4 him..i called ivy back 2 discuss abt e cca drive..was kinda of nervous??suppose so..in e end,I called her..haha..i was damn lu..told her I m nervous lo..then to my surprised,he came nn I don even noe.haha..*blurr* I cont chattinq with her..then alan stared at me..haha..this means I not suppose 2 chat on phone le..haha..but really BIG THANKS to her..i nv mention ur name too..but every seem 2 noe who is it le..haha..i do toopid actions..like grabbinq hold of alan etc..in e end we went town..haha..cuz really got no place in mind 2 think of where 2 go..so I juz anyhow said it,u took it seriously..haha..on e way there,I was damn quiet..don noe wat 2 sayy at all..he tried 2 talk..his frd was funny..haha..can join my sotonq family le..haha..but afterall,e dae was not bad..juz need some warmin up 2 get used 2 them..later in e dae,we tend 2 chat more..but he kept smiling nn laughin..i kept smiling too cuz I was nervous..haha..kinda of toopid..we went 2 watch devil wearin prada..wanna watched pulse instead de but daddy rushinq me home..*sadden* so settle 4 their movie instead..he offered 2 pay..plsss..no thanks..i qave him back e money..he refused 2 take it..but I insist..is not like very cheap..$9.50.. then went 2 pasta mania..they damn shui bian..said I can go whenever I wan to qo..they will be fine with it..wow..stress me..haha..regardless of wat movie 2 watch,go where,eat wat,all decisions come from me..poor me..haha..i ate creamy chicken cuz my frds includinq alan feel that is yummy..so I decide 2 qive it a try..haha..it tastes bland..no mmore appetite 2 continue eatinq..i juz ate a few mouthful of it only..he saw it..then he offered 2 get me another pasta.i rejected..but thanks 4 everythinq ok?was kinda of full anyway..some more later goinq eat dinner soon too..while eatinq,we kinda of chat..he asked me whether is it my parents bu fang xin ba wo jiao gei ta,that’s y get alan 2 come alonq also..haha..funny qn asked by him..of cuz I said no..haha..we part after movie cuz got 2 rush hm..kinda of piss cuz daddy nn mummy kept rushinq..i was watchinq movie halfway,they already start callinq nn askinq..e movie was not bad??perhaps I don find it damn nice cuz I wanna watch pulse instead..this was e 1st movie we watched 2gether..

anyway I did sth lu..got him a bdae present but didn’t give it 2 him..it’s still with me right now..haha..toopid rite??but that’s me..nv mind..not impt also..at most give alan..haha..thanks 4 e dae..though we didn’t chat much cuz I had been quite all e time but I noe u r tryinq hard 2 find topic 2 talk abt..hipe I didn’t disappoint euu much 2dae..oh ya..i saw lots of ppl 2dae..while eatinq at pasta mania, then his frd felix/ Philip said there is this guy who walk till very cute cuz keep shakin e butt..hah..i thought is a gal from e back cuz quite lonq hair..then I realized is my sec sch frd..from band de..haha..i smile at him..then we were so lame there..is frd evry funny de..always said “anythinq,huh” etc etc..haha..then saw others too includinq zhao xiu as well..haha..he asked me abt my pme grade..dotzzzz..that’s all folks!!!!!

thanks alan 4 goinq..i noe euu r damn unwillinq but euuu still wnt with mii..thanks..

i m qlad that we r still frds..
thanks 4 beinq so sweett..

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5:05 AM

Friday, September 15, 2006

This qonna be e lonqgest entry I ever have I suppose..lots of stuffs 2 bloq 2dae..

Tears welled up in my eyes.this time it gonna be real..no more empty promises..i m lettinq go nn it does hurts me.memories that we once shared kept flashinq thru my mind..playinq back over nn over aqain..indeed those were fond memories but it’s all in e past..i m lettinq go now..biddinq farewell 2 euu..thanks 4 beinq there 4 mii on tue..euu were by my side 2 share e verdict of my results..those words of encouragement from ya means a lot.thanks..i had been crackinq my brain wat 2 get 4 ya cuz ur bdae is next mth..since I meetinq euu soon so I miqht as well qet euu a present as I don think we will be seeinq each other that often too..i really had no idea wat 2 get 4 ya at all..clothes??but wat type..in e end,thouqht of qettinq euu tit bits instead..cuz euu told me euu always search 4 food in e middle of e nitez nn in e end,u finished up all e food..euu r kinda of lazy 2 top it up too..so I was thinkinq of qettinq euu that so that euu can eat..but of cuz it’s kinda of weird..give tit bits as bdae present..euu r not kid too..definitely a clothes wld be more presentable..euu were still very nice to mii..when I juz give a casual remark such as I m hungry,euu offer 2 brinq me out 4 supper thouqh is like 4 plus in e morninq..euu said euu wld ask me out 2 west mall 4 dinner nn move cuz euu noe I cant qo hm late nn is near my house..all this is enough 4 mii..at least I noe we r still frds..euu got ur own life now nn so do i..hope that euu will find e gal of ur life soon..i will be happy 4 ya..really..qonna sincerely qive euu my utmost blessinq..not that I tryinq 2 act noble..i m not..i juz hope that euu can be happy..

I told ya that I can make it on sat..i did went thru lots of trouble..tellinq my parents etc..thinqs seem to be happeninq so that we cant meet..my aunt cominq over 2 my house this sat..initially my parents don allow me 2 qo out at all..i told them..i told euu le..don wish 2 break it..i m thinkinq twice now..shld I qo??I don even had an ans myself..thanks jx 4 beinq there 4 mii..love ya lots..

Tryinq 2 erase euu from my memory..it had been there 4 pretty lonq..4 yrs plus..time 2 qo too..every1 had been tellinq me..it’s time 2 let qo..i still chose 2 hold on 2 it..shld euu say I m stubborn or determined..tis is mii..haha..

Hope euu nv get 2 read this entry at all..that niqht euu asked me m I in love..i told euu I m not..later in e nitez euu were so curious so euu decide 2 asked me who m I referring to..my personal nick..i wrote

If only euu were like e past,thinqs wld be much easier now..but that doesn’t mean I gonna give euu up..

Euu seemed determined 2 find out e ans nn so do I determined 2 keep it fr ya.euu kept askinq me whether do euu noe e person..i chose 2 chanqe topic instead of answerinq ya..in e end,euu told me..euu ridiculously found out e ans..i was shocked..wonderinq wat euu gonna say next..then told me euu remembered alan tellinq euu once that I had been sinqle since we break up..gosh..euu said I noe it..i suppose euu noe who’s e person le..then u kept on laughin nn laughin..tellinq me that ur mummy night think euu r crazy cuz euu kept facin e com nn laugh..it got me tense up nn paranoid..haha..

I qonna bloq down e memories that we once shared cuz I cant remember much of it le..so qonna note down those that I can still remember..

We started off on e 18 sept..i think shld be cuz I nv take note of e date..euu r always e 1 who pay attention 2 it..euu plucked up e courage 2 ask me that qn cuz alan gave euu e couraqe to..u sms 2 ask me that..i took sometimes 2 reply nn euu said euu noe my ans which is no..i didn’t even reply euu anythinq yet..i suppose alan was our matchmaker..he was e 1 who asked me give euu a chance too..i remembered b4 euu asked me that qn..euu called me lots of times but euu cldn’t brinq urself 2 ask it..i knew wat euu gonna ask but I pretend not to noe..we got 2gether..i wasn’t used 2 e life whereby there is some1 2 show me so much concern other than my family members..that time, I didn’t like euu at all..i remembered yan yi told mii that we wont last more than a wk cuz I don feel happy nor anythinq when we got 2gether..but as days passed by,I do have feelinqs 4 euu le..euu were hurt nn sad 2 noe that I don like euu..but in e end..i did fallen into e pit of love..i wld missed call ur phone nn I will call ur house so as 2 let euu noe I m callinq..that’s our style..haha..we wld chat on phone every night..euu can be so sleepy nn yet euu cant bear 2 put down e phone..so as a result,u fallen aslp holdinq on 2 e phone..i knew it..cuz when I chat with ya..euu didn’t ans me back.. euu will come over 2 my house durinq sch holi 2 play play station with alan nn mii..we wld played tetris,gem fighter etc 2gether..so now whenever,I play super gem fighter with my frds..it actually reminds me of ya..we will go library 2gether,rot 2gether at e mega popular,spend time in e cyber café playinq neo pets..watchinq euu play basketball with jin de..those were e places that we went..we r not like any other couples that qo watch movie 2gether etc..that time I was studyinq afternoon session..so durin ur recess time,euu wld always call 2 chat with me without fail..think e payphone corner had become ur hangin out place durin recess..haha..euu wld make time 2 pic me up fr sch though u end sch at 6..euu wld rush down all e way fr east coast 2 bukit batok juz 2 fetch mii..but I didn’t appreciate it that time..euu waited 4 mii outside e sch gate..i was shocked 2 cya there..i was afraid too..euu noe that time teachers will object de..so instead of feelinq touched that rush down 2 fetch me,I was damn angry with ya..i went off with Lydia without waitinq 4 ya..at that pt of time, I 4got euu got asthma nn euu r tryin hard 2 catch up with us..euu noe that I m angry..i told my mummy euu came 2 fetched me..she feels that I in wronq..cuz I shld have give euu chance 2 explain..after coolin down,I do realized my mistake too..euu had asthma..i shldn’t have let euu chase nn catch up with mii.i m sorry abt that..euu r always e 1 who put up with my tantrum nn xiao jie bi qi..euu nv once complain..i took all that 4 granted…we argued over tiny matter…I declare cold war..euu called me..i chose not 2 pick up..neither do I reply ur sms..i made euu cry..i feel bad after that..due 2 my childishness,we break nn patch,break nn patch..cuz I cant bear 2 cya gettinq upset nn skippin ur meal..so we patched back again..we do went thru a lot..we didn’t get shaken though there r others ppl wooin us too..i always wanted 2 give euu 2 others..i noe that gal like euu..i told euu..if euu like her then go 4 it..i even once gave euu up 2 my best frd,,I noe that she likes euu..juz that she nv say it..euu asked me..is it that euu not handsome enough or euu didn’t give me e best..if not y r u always givin me up 2 others..it hurts me 2 hear him say that..i m always e 1 who hurt him..

I suppose euu don noe..e 1st time that we were apart was e time euu goin on cruise 4 holi..i cried after w e put down e phone..i cant bear 2 let euu go..that was e 1st time I cried over ya..euu wld even call me when I go my granny house..if not we will sms each other..i remembered that time..my mummy’s hp global sms was over a thousand..my daddy was angry..haha..i bought euu a horoscope key chain,,I gave half 2 euu..i still finid it amused by how euu gave me e other half of ur horoscope key chain..euu nn jin de actually came 2 my house nn threw it at e shoes rack there..haha..euuu bought me 8250 cuz u wan me 2 hang e keychain on it..i noe euu work hard in order 2 get me e phone..u work 4 ur aunt..euu sold away ur fav card..juz 2 get e phone..once we didn’t c each other 4 nearly 2 mths??cuz ur great grand mother passed away..then Chinese superstitious..say it will bring bad luck or sth..cuz of that,we didn’t c each other 4 nearly 2 mths..once I were sick..mummy brought me 2 c doctor..euu came 2 find mii..euu bought me a 4ever frd bear..it looks lovely..e nurse saw it nn immediately asked me is e bear given by ur bf??I kept quiet..haha..too shy 2 sayy anything..euu bought me me to euu bears too..” S H I R L E”but sadly 2 sayy no “Y”..euu even called e manufacturer..so u decide 2 give me “ SHIR” instead as is my nick name as well..
Euu gave me a bouquet of pink roses nn a box of heart shape ferro rocher 4 valentine’s dae gift..we didn’t spend v dae 2gether as it was durin new yr period nn I m at my granny’s house..i noe that dae u skip ur drama lesson 2 come my house 2 give me those..in e end..u even got canninq from ur principal 4 skippin e drama lesson..that’s how strict it was in his sch..that dae was e last time we saw each other I suppose…then after that we break up le..it took me quite sometimes 2 get used 2 e life without euu..i didn’t’ cry..then jin de was afraid that sth happen 2 mii..he told me..juz cry it out..i didn’t..e 2nd time that I cried was when I chatted with ya again after we break up..it was on my bdae..i wans’t happy at all cuz we juz broke up..my parents brought me 2 UK fun fair..we talked a while nn I was very sarcastic 2wards euu..later in e night,we chatted on phone..i cried..useless me..e rest of e days were not any better without him by my side..i took quite sometimes 2 get over my single life again…….we nv contact after that till recently..

all this shall be history nn be kept inside my heart..

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3:43 AM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

That dae was chattin with kiddie on phone..hmmm..he always seem to think so much nn make things so complicated..as a result,he’s always troubled nn unhappy..to me,I simply feel that being simple doesn’t mean,euu wont lead a fulfillinq life..euu still can..y cant he be more simple??but really..he’s juz a kid..that need some1 2 be there 2 guide him, love him etc..that nitez, really scared me..he kept telling me..he gonna do all e stuffs that he wanna complete so if he were 2 die now,also without regrets le..dotz..gosh..think he really too stress le then he don wanna admit too..now he wanna get q gf so he can die without regrets le..ya..i told him I cant help him keep a look out..i also feel kinda of stress talking 2 him that nitez..but at least some1 is there 2 listen 2 him..juz hope that he can be happier nn be more simple minded..u don need 2 have a reason 4 everythin euu do..sometimes is juz feelinq..hope euu will ne able 2 realise this 1 dae..wat’s wrong with playin game 4 whole dae??euu have have 2 think so much that y r u playin game??of cuz is 2 relax nn enjoy..playing game doesn’t mean euu r wastin ur life away..no is not that…
Juz sth 4 me 2 ponder over..it’s great 2 lead a simple life..i m contented with such a life that I m leadin now..

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3:52 AM

9 Sept

my mood was damn lousy 2dae..totally destroyed!!!initially was fine then after that..haiz..don wish 2 brinq it up aqain..juz lousy..wanna ask mummy whether can I go kor’s house 2nitez together with e rest..then in e end,daddy make it sound like I m stayinq overnight at a guy’s house..of cuz mummy don allow..i m kinda of angry with him 4 puttinq it in such a manner..then he asked me try askinq again..wat’s e point??when he already like inculcate e mindset in my mummy that I stayin over at a guy’s house..dotz..next is my mummy asked me when m I working next wk..i told her everydae except 2,6 nn 7..she asked yy..so I told her I goinq 2 zoo 2 celebrate peter’s bdae on tue then sat out with him nn sun off..then she said I shld try 2 work more durinq holi nn go out lesser so that I can save more money..wat she said makes sense too..that time I already told her I going out with him this sat..daddy nn mummy were shocked 2 hear that..then they started sayin some stuffs..they think too much..but in all,my mummy don allow me 2 go out with him alone..dotz..i mean she noe him too..she used 2 like him so much nn now she’s like banning me from seein him??this makes me more piss..so end of our conversation..i didn’t even ate anything 4 e whole dae..no mood 2 eat at all..so I juz set off 2 work after grabbin some biscuit..feelin kinda of down..then some1 2night I cant join them 2 go kor’s house..haizzz..upon reaching amalfi,4 heaven sake!!!!!my mood totally fallen 2 e bottomless pit..2dae juz not my dae!!!!!..wat a dae 4 me..chandra was down there complainin..sayin not enough ppl work on wkend then said muz work if not there euu go,byee…dotz…he always like that de..then he told anna he asked li juan no need 2 come anymore cuz she only put 1 dae 4 schedule..then she cried..then I m struggling to put sat or sun..haiz..hard decision 2 make..if I put sun,I cant go out with e sotonq family which dar had been very unhappy abt..i m pissed too..that time quarrel with dar nn sweetie cuz they feel I don have enough time 4 them..so I don noe when 2 put..sat goin out with him..already like confirm with him le..then if I choose 2 go with him nn not dar there all,they might said me “zhong se qing you”..haiz..sianz..then dar said she’s irritated..of cuz with me cuz I told her I might not be able 2 make it on sun..she unhappy again..don noe y cant she be more uinderstandin 2wards me??they can juz go without me..that time bcuz I wanna go out with her,my parents damn unhappy with me..she don even noe abt it..only will say me nv spend time with her nn spend time with my other frds instead..but in e end,e pro was solved cuz dar told chandra 2 let me work in e morning..kor noe that I wasn’t in a good mood then he asked me 2 smilez..haha..thanks kor..^ _ ^ dar thought that I m angry..i also don noe y she said that.no idea..2dae I was standin at e menu stand..wow..not too bad..i managed 2 catch quite a no of customers in..haha..feel a sense of satisfaction..then was working outside with eric,teck meng,snow,anna nn chandra..eric nn teck meng very funny de..they also damn helpful nn hardworking too..oh ya..later my mood turns 4 e better..i m alrite again..smiling again..table 12 that 2 guys damn handsome..u might think they r ang moh..nono,,they r pure Chinese..haha..ard my age I suppose..anyway is teenagers..haha…li juan nn me,we like crazy..haha..but my mood was better..of cuz not bcuz I saw those 2 guys..dotz..i not so hua chi..but 2dae think 2 eric nn teck meng,I appeared 2 be 1..haha..e gy in white is called wei jie..li juan was crazy over him..he smiled at me!!!!!!!!!haha..li juan is jealous..= x don be..at least u noe e name of both..haha..i feel sometimes I tooo ren xin..2dae I was in a lousy mood then I don feel like goin anywhere at all..juz feel like staying at home..at 1st wanna tell him I cant make it on sat le..ya that’s kinda of bad of me..but that’s me!!!!!!don really feel like talking when I m feelin down or go anywhere..juz feel like stayin at home..ya kor made 4 me fusili..thanks a lot kor..he even add xtra ingredient such as egg,cheese hot dog etc..thanks kor..that was my 1st meal of e dae..i appreciate that..^ _ ^ kor was disappointed that I cant make it 2night..he even promise that he wld make tiramisu cake 4 me..but in e end,I cant ake it so he said he not goin 2 make anymore..he owe me once..tml is his last dae le..lucky I got work tml..haha..then dar working as well..it was fun being with them like shang jing,kor,Andrew nn dar..they r a bunch of funny ppl..very humourous de..haha..later goin expo food fair with bao bei er..i simply love it!!!!!!!so excited..remember that time went with mummy once..anyway I got a funny dream last nitez..i dreamt that I 2 time!!!!!gosh..nn both e guys r..haha..cant said de..= x

sat is comin..i m still struggling whether shld I go..planning 2 get a skirt 2 go with e roxy top..then gonna wear that out..thinking whether shld I o go trim my hair too cuz too long le tehn looks simply so un tidy now..but scared e hair dresser helped me anyhow cut..i simply hate cutting hair..haha..so u seldom c me go cut hair unless there is a need to..if not I wont..haha..think I wld most prob go..juz like meetin a long time frd..everything gonna be fine..no worries..smilez Shirley..

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3:39 AM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

28 Aug

haiz..last nitez mummy said I cant stay overnight but I still prepared 4 e 3 days 2 night chalet..mood was kinda of destroyed..but I did told her I will only be back on wed when she called nn asked me..so I did inform her.woke up damn late..die..haven pack my stuff yet too..so I quickly bathe, eat nn pack my stuff..should have pack it last nitez but I was you tubinq..haha.i didn’t join them 4 k box cuz I don really sinq..i m kinda of broke too so I rather save e money 4 chalet..then I met qing yu,jx at je.such a coincidence,we saw peter too.so we meet e resr 2gether at clementi..every1 was there except kian..we took turns 2 burst his phone but he didn’t pick up at all..really wonders where is he??haha..still aslp???indeed he is..dotz..we got 2 know that he only slept at 8 plus in e morninq..haha..power kian..then we set off without him..this time round is so diff..we didn’t went 2 giant 4 shoppinq spree anymore.no more “hills of plastic baqs” where we put them all at e center of e train..upon reachinq pasir ris, we went 2 e ntuc 2 shop 4 tit bits..then we saw xiong meng..sorry I don noe how 2 spell his name..haha..didn’t noe that peter noe him too..then we got e rest 2 go 2 e chalet 1st whereas me, manda,jx nn li hua went to get vic’s present..we got him a pair of couple hp accessories..looks kinda of sweet..when we got back 2 e chalet,e rest was eatinq tit bits nn watchinq spiderman..so bad..didn’t wait 4 us..haha..then after a while, we went off 2 rent a bike..sadly to say,all e bike r beinq rented out at e moment so e uncle get us 2 come back later at abt 6.so we went chalet aqain nn they watched spiderman.we watched a while then go rent bike aqain..haha..very dotz..kept on nn off, on nn off..but uncle said no more bikes 2 rent overnight..we were of cuz disappointed..no plan..lost..don noe wat 2 do..in e end,we went to tampines mall..decide 2 qo pasta mania nn eat cuz I really got cravinq 4 it..that time didn’t manaqe 2 eat it..this time muz le..haha..then 10 of us went 2 watch ghost game..alrite..not too bad..think pulse or stayinq alive gonna be more excitinq based on e advertisement..after e movie was like 11 plus le..then by e time we got back 2 e chalet was 12 plus..then we took our clothes nn went out 2 bathe..wow
e water damn cold..haha..then we chat..i mean me,jx,qian,manda,kian nn will..said abt ghost story etc etc..lots of them..we chatted till abt almost 7 then we went to slp..

29 Aug

woke up at 11 plus??not too sure either..haha..then bathe le went to eat cup noodle..later off to tampines mall with manda nn will 2 get shezhiyan nn vic’s present..only then I noe that will is sinqle again..then manda said:”huh??euu don noe???yest kian said till so loud!!”haha..i really don noe..i always slow de..some more kian always said this 2 will..who noe is true this time!!!!!anyway we had a great time chattinq with each other..we bouqht vic a $30 gift card..save e trouble of crackinq our brain on wat 2 get 4 him..but we waited 4 damn lonq 4 e sales lady 2 activate e card..anyway we bouqht shezhiyan a manqo cake..i prefer e fruit cake thouqh but I lost 2 will so got e manqo cake instead..haha..then we went back chalet nn celebrate 4 both of them..then I do e preparation whereas manda go upstair 2 get e rest 2 come down..peter nn I hold e bdae banner..so funny!!!!then we sanq him bdae sonq nn he gave his speech of appreciation..as usual,will is e MC then he damn lame de..nv failed 2 make us lauqh..look at e video the u noe le..some more with zai qian..haha..even more funny!!!!!then at abt 4.30,after cuttinq e cake,we went 2 rent bike..this time sure have le..they decide 2 cycle 2 chanqi nn c “ah Gua”.haha..seriously,I don noe wat’s wronq with me 2dae..i kept cant focus then lots of time I cycled side way…so I decide 2 cycle at e back if not I will sure hai e rest of I suddenly stop or sth..it was a lonq lonq journey 2 changi..some more some of e path r not easy 2 cycle..up slope,down slope..cycled till my leq turns jelly..we went 2 eat at change then cycle 2 c ah gua but so sad..still early..they r not out yet..but saw 3 of them though..haha..then we cycle OCH..e road up was eerie..don noe y down there got chalet some more nn it’s bungalow chalet..of cuz damn big..but scary too..kian brought us there..e atmosphere don seem 2 be right..feelinq kinda of uncomfortable then damn eerie..upon reachinq there,we heard some1 openinq e door when there’s like no1 there at all…kian was tellinq us..if we were 2 stare hard, we can feel that there will be a pair of eyes starinq back at us too..accordinq to him,this is e “guard”of OCH..we leave after that.still cant 4get those image..e devastated old buildinq..it was my 1st visit there..don think I would wan 2 explore inside..don noe y..2night I juz don seem 2 be myself..perhaps I don have enough slp??I don noe..then after that we went 2 a park??it’s near e beach..then I saw a glimpse of light from far..i thought it was a light house..dotz..but I was wrong..it was e plane..it flew passed us nn I could even c e botoom of e plane..can euu imagine???that wase 1st time..it was definitely a nice view..then manda seem 2 study e plane..she practically noe which air line e plane is..haha..ya then we continue cyclinq till I saw a bike..actually I didn’t really notice but I saw e guy very familiar..it looks like jj 2 me..some more e gal is not emi..wow..i thought I made a mistake..but I very sure I didn’t..so I checked with manda nn qian..they said he looks familiar too..haha..so manda nn I cycle back..i even called his name nn is really him!!!!gosh..

on e way back,I almost fell nn go side way again..haiz…don noe wat’s up with me..then every1 gathered at e bus stop there..they suggest I shldn’t ride double with will..don noe y..i cried..wow..1st time cant control my tears nn cried in front of them..think they were shocked..sorry guys 4 e trouble..didn’t mean it..then in e end..i cycle double with qing yu nn will with li hua..clair nn vic cycle single..special thanks 2 qing yu nn every1..i noe I m heavy then she had a hard time ridinq me..thanks qian too..1st time ridinq double..that nitez lots of 1st time..haha..ridinq with qing yu was fun..we chatted too..then lots of hump nn it really hurts our bum..goinq upslope was tedious!!!!! Damn damn tirinq..wobbly nn jelly legs..e return journey was much faster..don noe is it due 2 e reason that I m cyclinq double..e nitez was beautiful..very windy..then we stopped by at 7-11 2 buy drinks, ice cream etc..then bathe nn play mahjionq..i was kinda of tired by then..think not only me..is every1..jx fell aslp on my lap while watchinq harry potter..my eyes could barely open too..haha..then I slp le..was msgin kiddie nn Watson..kiddie asked me go pei him interview..he hor..straight away after chalet..my parents sure wont allow de..but he said if I ps him then he gonna go alone le..make it sound like if I don go with him then I will be a sinner..haha..haiz..

30 Aug

wooh..is e last dae of chalet le..so fast..ya every1 washed up,pack their bags then we head off 2 mac 4 breakfast then return bike..i didn’t had anythinq.. actually have..a hash brown given by bao bei er..ya decide 2 go with kiddie later thought very unwillinq to..but feel kinda of bad cuz he asked me out so many times..i nv go out b4..think this chalet is much more fun compared 2 e previous 1..then we took train hm whereas shezhiyan nn will got direct bus 2 hm..vic goinq clair’s house 2 slp..haha..

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