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Saturday, October 28, 2006

27 Oct

happy happy 18th birthdae 2 toopid boyy..he really seems to be so afraid that e SSDC will close down..manda accompany him to register 4 his drivinq lesson whereas some of e rest went home,then happy san frds went 4 e NKF industrial talk..

initially I thouqht e whole class was goinq 4 e NKF..later then I realized that it wasn’t..it’s only a small grp of us goinq..thouqht it wld be like a sec sch excursion 4 e whole class..i was wronq..*sadden*it was kinda of borinq..really bored..fallinq aslp while e guy was explaininq to us abt how e dialysis machine works..not that I anna slp..juz cant help it..my eyes fail 2 listen 2 my command by keepinq awake..but it kinda feel heartache when euu c those patients goinq thru dialysis..a lonq process of 4hrs…basically,it was my 1st visit to NKF..it seems really posh nn qrand..e patients even have fish tank nn tv 2 look at..i suppose it is used 2 divert their attention so that it wldn’t feel so pain..

after e NKF talk,we took a bus 2 novena mrt station..then at e bus stop,we saw some1 takinq a lift in e lecturer’s car..wee wee..

we headed off to orchard to meet will nn manda at taka..we went to look at adidas jacket as well..but it doesn’t have much choices there 2 choose from.but I saw lots of hello kitty merchandise!!!!wee wee..thouqht I no lonqer crazy over I since I had qrown up..but still qet kinda of excited when seeinq it..haha..all so cute..we took a pic in e lift..i love it!!!juz a turn,nn e door open..haha..lots of ppl outside waitinq to qet into e lift..lucky they didn’t c us beinq so metrosexual..haha.

went to city hall 2 meet e rest..then told e rest that I meetin some1..manda is accompanyinq mii..actually,we went to qet a cake for that toopid boyy..euu still said us sucky nn head 2wards peninsula plaza without us...plsss be qulity abt it…haha..didn’t wait 4 kai as he was kinda of late..still at buona vista when e rest is here except him..

abt 15 of us went 4 sakae dinner!!!!!!hoo hoo hoo!!!!lookinq at food simply makes us forqet abt everythinq..haha..we also took so funny pics..that’s very “us”..think will upload it when I m back from msia..cuz I still tryinq 2 qet e pics from will..we ate lots at sakae..it seems to beso true..eatinq is a blessinq..but gaininq weiqht is another issue..haha..i really need to lose weiqht..peetr,let mii join euu in e campaiqn..haha..

abt 9,we went off e eski bar at boat quay!!!!!!haha..it wasn’t as cold as wat we think..thouqht it qonna be sub zero..later then I noe that,e place where we sittinq is not sub zero..it’s at e entrance there..haha..then kai,peter,will nn ii went over..wow..damn chillinq nn freezinq..but very fun..like when euu try 2 blow air out of ur mouth,there will be water vapour cominq out..can euu imaqine how cold is it??haha..damn icy cold..later we went back so e rest qot a chance to qo 2 e sub zero room too..actually is not o degree..accordin to kai,it’s 4.4 deqree..he said e 1 at Holland is below 0..worse!!!!haha..i ordered lonq island tea..seriously,e drinks there wasn’t as qood as amalfi..not that I cery critical..but really..their cocktails like tou qonq jian liao.but afterall,it was a qood exp..chillinq out at eski bar..marvin nn shezhiyan went off 1st..cuz e waitress said every1 muz at least ordered a drink..then they don wanna drink so they went off 1st..i wonder where qot such a rulez..simply so obvious that they wanna earn more $$..toopid..

send li hua nn qy to mrt station..it was a really lonq lonq way to raffles mrt..somore more qot so many roads..not easy 2 cross too..dangerous as well..i kinda of a bit drunk??/but still sober..juz a bit she cuz cant really walk straiqht..haha..lousy tweet..but this shows it’s normal..healthy..haha..

took so pics of our reflection at outram mrt..it was nice~~~mummy nn bro came out 2 wait 4 mii..thanks..i love ya mummy..muackz..euu still let mii qo in e end..haha..

come back with more pics when I m back from msia..for now,declare broke..haha

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1:32 PM

Monday, October 23, 2006

22 oct

sweetie came to look 4 mii after their k session..wow..was really happy 2 c her..it's been a lonq lonq tme since we last meet up..she was complaininq abt mii beinq so busy so as a result cant qet 2 meet her..if she nv come down 2dae 2 find mii,i also have no idea when we meet aqain..she said next yr..haha..not so serious..anna is back from work..think she really sufferinq from pms..euu c her face euu will noe..everydae pull a long face..as if euu owe her a million..or even more..then e stuffs there also don really like her now..can form a anti anna alliance???enouqh members to form..haha..as lonq as chandra is back,she's nothinq!!!

after work,were sittinq down at e riverside with sweetie 2 have a chat..then we chatted lots thouqh it's only abt 30 min..talk abt future..wat path we qonna take..manda is riqht..when euu r 18,it's all abt decision makinq..was seekinq 4 her opinion whether shld i still continue 2 study enqineerinq course if i can make it 2 uni..thouqh since younq,my dream is 2 become a teacher..i don noe y too..juz wanna be 1..e feelinq juz qet stronqer nn stronqer till i qot into poly..a chanqe in dream..i cant cont 2 study history anymore..my future seems kinda of bleak riqht now..cuz i absolutely have no idea wat i wan..but there is sth i can look forward to beinq engineer..to earn lots of $$ nn live a tai tai life..that's sweetie nn my qoal..perhaps that's wat keep us movinq on in a line that we don really have interest in..then both of us update each other with our life..she said her life is borinq..facinq com everydae..haha..that's e reply that i qot from sweetie...she also noe that he's attached..her first reaction was m i ok..haha..thanks 4 ur concern..i m fine..really..thouqh euu didn't really believe mii when i said i m fine..to euu,i m a qal that don really show my sadness even thouqh i m sad..but seriously i m alriqht now..stronqer than wat euu imaqine..haha...

love e job that euu r in..
cuz we cant always qet wat we wan in life..

sweetie,we did touched on e topic of marriaqe..thouqh euu said euu would nv wan 2 qet married or even cant imaqine urself to qet married,but eventually euu will one dae..i hope 2 cya becoome a happy bride,marryinq some1 that euu like..i noe euu r disappointed in quys riqht now..but teher qonna be some1 out there in this world that meant 2 be for euu..so don lose hope ok??don keep harbourinq e thouqht that euu qonna stay sinqle..some more esp now euu r in ur 20s,definitely will have some stress from ur family or even frds..seeinq ur frds qettinq married etc..euu will be like them too..after married,euu can be be ur career woman..so jia you..

23 oct

OOP lab test 2dae..qosh..holy..i noe nuts abt it..so decide 2 meet e rest early 2 qo sch practise..this is e bunch of us..we exactly noe when 2 play nn when 2 work hard..as usual,qet daddy 2 wake mii up nn in e end,i went back 2 slp aqain..haha..piqqy shirley..then went 2 library 2 meet them instead..didn't c e them at all..so i went 2 book a com..it's at R6..saw will..then i went over..only then i realised that e rest are at e free access area..haha...had our lunch at FC1..ate lor mee..wasn't really that nice..or perhaps i m juz fussy aqain..
e lab test was really kinda of difficult..but luck qot qing yu nn li hua beside mii..phew..thanks..lucky it's all over now..

tml will be workinq..sweetie asked mii out...haha..miqht be qoinq out with parents..so we shall c..then wed celebratinq apple's bdae..it will be bad if i don cuz he celebrated mine..but i really lazy 2 qo out..haha..oops..at least i not goinq out on thurs 2 celebrate kiddie's bdae..celebrate 4 him next wk..he wan a kite..e niqqest 1..accordinq to him,it's a 16 inches kite..sold at toy r us..qonna qet him that..i told him i takinq it as a investment..cuz when i wanan qo kite flyinq,he qot 2 lend mii..qood deal???then he asked whether is it investment or bdae present???haha..really kiddie lo..this wk damn busy nn tirinq le..then fri we qonna celebrate will's bdae..bcuz of euu,i cant qo work..so better pay mii my salary..haha..

over e wkend,i will be in msia..haha..wee wee..*qrins* but there qoes my pay..don care so much too..cant possibly earn all e $$ in this world..i qoin shoppin!!!!!!my uncle already called..he said if i qo back then he will brinq mii qo shoppin!!!!haha..happy..life at qranny's house is simply qreat..shop,eat nn play!!!!!!that's y cant stay there 4 lonq..qonna be a fat piq..haha..lookinq 4ward 2 this wkend..also pray that money will drop down from heaven to make my wkend even more happier..shoppin all e wayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

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6:05 PM

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Finally back to bloqqinq b4 it starts collectinq dust..finished watchinq qoonq..yul qoon is so SUAVE!!!!!!!qoin crazy over him soonz..haha..felt so pity 4 him..he didn’t manaqed 2 qet e love that he wan..so sad..i kinda of cried over 1 of e scene..he loves till so xin ku but he didn’t qive up despite e fact that e princess don like him..he only wishes 2 be by her side..to make her smilez..be there 4 her when she’s feelinq down,sad..can euu still find such a GREAT quy in this realistic world???haha..if cant..then don be sad..watch from tv..suree have de..most of e people would love 2 have love..but of cuz it’s best to love nn to be loved in return..

Went bugis alone..took train with manda from sp to bugis..then waited from wc..they 2 very funny nn cute..to mii,I feel they really very lovey dovey..u don have 2 be always stick 2 each other or sweet talk..bickerinq will make it more fun..this is wat I c from this couple..haha..shall not rant abt e details..then I went 2 shop alone..this is e 1st time that I shopped alone..all I can say is..BORING!!!!really bored 2 shop alone..haha..at 1st qot kiddie 2 qo with mii de..but he’s at qym..then forqet abt it..i can qo myself..i don noe walk around e whole of buqis villaqe so how many times..some more hand still carry file nn pencil case..make it kinda of difficult 4 mii 2 look at clothes..can euu imaqine??no1 there where euu can ask or seek 4 opinion..euu qot to call..btw,I saw pearly..haha..she’s workinq at 1 of e shops there..said hi 2 her then some1 called..so didn’t manaqed 2 chat much with her either..i qot my ear piece too…anyhow buy 1..can use can le..cuz don noe wat 2 buy too..

Nv noe this is how it feels like 2 shop alone..now I noe how he feels le..now I understand ..afterall,human beinqs is afraid lf loneliness..that’s y there r ppl out there seekinq 4 a partner..i qot a few cases ard mii.. = x but anyway,is still a qood exp 4 mii..sth that I had nv try b4..shoppinq alone..suppose there wont be a next time unless I need sometimes to be alone..haha..but I feelinq kinda of lost at bugis when I m alone…don noe where 2 qo..wat shld I choose etc..

Heard from mr Patrick chow that we miqht need to separate class depends on e elective module thatw e qonna choose..plsss don separate us..we will buy euu breakfast,lunch nn dinner..plus a hamper too???haha..juz don split us up..it’s already graduatinq year..can euu how imaqine how cruel it qonna be to separate us???we love each other so much..haha..dotz..

qot 2 lollipop from Andrew 2dae..thanks..he dare not say hi 2 jx cuz he feels that she looks fierce..haha..so funny..then after that,he msq me,askinq mii to say sorry 2 jx cuz he’s afraid that she miqht kill him1dae..dotz..damn tian zhen..he asked mii 2 qo 4 e family bbq tml eveninq..sorry I cant qo cuz told euu I qot 2 work..even bribe mii with food also no use..haha..btu thanks 4 askinq..= ) if euu still cant qet e num shoes that u wan,qet mii a havanas then…I need it..be nice nn qive mii that..haha..euu already bought a num top..

a man keeps his first love in his heart whereas a woman keeps her first love in her memories..

one dae, hurts will become memories..

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10:37 PM

Monday, October 16, 2006

15 Oct

meet qian nn jx at je mrt at 12.00..but I woke up late so meet at 12.15pm instead..we reached there at abt 1 nn no1 was there yet..so we decide 2 went 4 a walk..went into e ntuc as e weather was really unbearable..it was very hazy too…make it even more sianz..then we went to e mrt at abt 1.30pm..saw alister nn Jason there..we took 196 there..passed by a sch..remind mii of ..haiz..in e end,by e time we reached east coast park was like already 3 plus..qosh..at picnic there..wow…nice weather..coolinq,breezy nn windy thouqh is hazy..beach nne ast coast park is always a emo place..ate a bit..then happy san frds were sittinq at e beach lookinq at e sea..wat a dae..then had a photo takinq session..that Jason scandal..put his hand on my shoulder nn take pic..euu r dead!!!!!!haha..then went to rent bike with alister,xiaoping,yunling,Jason,Adrian,sookhui nn he lanq..

mummy called while I was rentinq bike..they were qoinq Clarke quay 2 have their dinner at e riverside indonesia restaurant..so was askinq me whether I wanna join them..i told her no..say no 2 mummy n stay at east coast park eatinq nth..qosh..bad deal..but seeinq e scenery there,lookinq at e beach,feel e sea breeze still make everythinq worthwhile..

qian nn jz werr playinq card mahjiong with Jackson nn jun da..went 2 bedok jetty..took pics there as well..i found out that e worst way 2 face some1 is when euu qot sth 2 tell e person but euu cant..

after returninq our bike,saw qian nn jx walkinq towards mac as well..then I saw carousel..wee wee..i always wanted 2 ride on that but no chance to..so I asked adrian wanna sit with mii??then he said ok..wow..he damn on..haha..he replied that cuz I knew too many secrets..haha..dotz..lame..but in e end we took e pirate ship instead..damn fun..don mind takinq it 2nd time..

I enjoyed very moment at east coast park..had a qreat dae with them..we were damn high while makin our way 2 lighthouse 2 meet e rest 2 celebrate zh’s bdae..e happy san frds were sittin at a chair looking at e sea aqain..2nd times of e dae..every1 seems to be feelinq emo..or rather in world of their own..i m too..

Perhaps euu noe or euu don noe that east coast park actually reminds mii of euu..ur school was near there..euu also noe that it’s my fav place..lucky that dae when euu asked mii where I wanna qo,I didn’t ask euu 2 qo there..if not,it qonna brinq back even more memories when I visit e place aqain..we had nv been 2 east coast park toqether cuz ur sch is so near there..euu didn’t really like goinq that area too..but bcuz I like it,euu don mind goinq..come to think of it,if a place is without memories..it would be kinda of sad too..so I shld feel happy..haha..

Afterall,I really enjoyed myself..but didn’t had dinner thouqh..went home with quite many ppl..by e time,I reached home,it was abt 10.45pm..i only had a packet of orea..i thouqht got maqqie mee at home..in e end,alan ate it.

Alan was usinq com when I reached home..therefore I cant use it..i waited 4 him till I fallen aslp..i was damn tired too after a lonq dae..

East coast park..
Till next time..
I will visit ya aqain..

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1:20 AM

Saturday, October 14, 2006

13 Oct

we were so determined 2 qo qym 2dae as very lonq nv exercise le..can c e float forminq on my tummy..haha..qettinq fatter nn fatter..time 2 exercise nn have a fat to fit campaiqn juz like wat peter has..he was so determined..can run up 2 8km a day..wow..qood job mr president..

after MCT tutorial,e rest of e class head 2 wards FC 4 for lunch..qian nn mii missed it cuz we qoinq qym 2 exercise..haha..we went 2 e toilet at T12 2 qet chanqed..i remembered tellinq qian wat if e qym nv open??qosh..in e end,my words came true..it only opened at 12 noon..at that time was like only 11.20am..so we decide 2 join e rest 4 lunch nn postpone e qym session to next week..haha..not only we didn’t exercise..we r qaininq weiqht by eatinq too..haha..that’s mii..simply love 2 eat..yummy yummy..

qian nn I ate e same food..we had e qrilled fish pasta 4 lunch..after that went home with kian,peter nn qian..some of them went qym,cem nn qem..so only left 4 of us..

went west mall 2 help mummy 2 buy some groceries so that she can cooked mii a meal b4 I went 4 work..it was yummy delicious..haha..went 2 search 4 ear piece too..then in e end,set my eyes on a creative white ear piece..it really looks kinda of cool..nn it costs 19..reasonable price..so intend 2 qet it..btu b4 that decide 2 approach e assistant 2 ask him which brand is better..CREATIVE NN ELECOM..e 1st quy that I asked was he felt that creatuve was definitely better..then I told him that my mp3 ear piece was damn lousy..so he asked another quy 2 come over..i decided 2 ask him e same qn..in e end,his reply was ELECOM.haha..they differ in their point of view..so I decide 2 qet e elecom ear piece instead which costs more ex..then I went over 2 e cashier counter..beside it,I saw a ear piece that resembles like qian one..so I told them..i wanna look around some more..that pink ear piece costs 30 plus..feel that it’s kinda of ex..so ine end..i didn’t qet my ear piece..decide to qo bugis nn qet a cheap nn goodie 1..rushinq wont qet mii a qood 1..anyway I m used 2 not listeninq 2 mp3 on my way to sch..

I wonder did I chanqe??m I becominq more quiet??or do I looked more sad nn troubled now???I realized that I had become more quiet..haha..since last wk when I went work on sat..shanq jinq had been thinkinq that I m troubled cuz I don looked happy at all..not e usual mii that will kept smilinq..2dae he asked mii e same qn aqain..even mahen also said that..said that I looked so gloomy nowadays..m I??actually I m alriqht..juz not talkinq much only..even now at work..i don think I qot talk 2 my dar for more than 20 sentences..all is abt work de..

2dae anna was on mc..haha..wow..peaceful dae..no1 there 2 naq at euu or urqe euu 2 write ur schedule..no1 there 2 say euu this nn that..haha..not a bad dae..= ) but was damn tired..2wards abt 10,can literally feel my whole body achinq..really feel like goinq home at 11 but thinkinq of e money part..i chose 2 stay on..lucky qot eric..he damn qentleman..always help mii..thanks dude..teck menq as usual damn lame nn funny..cant imaqine..i lost 2 him scissor paper stone 4 times consecutively..then as a result..qot 2 do forfeit such as takinq lonq table orders etc..

most of e tables 2niqht was lonq table..8 pax nn above..i didn’t went 2 jeremy’s chalet..dar nn shanq jinq went..good 4 euu quys..enjoy ur chalet nn bbq..think sweetie went too..she hoped that I can qo as well..but euuu shld noe e ans..

qot my pay finally..maqqie called mii yest nn asked whether m ii still usinq that acc cuz she couldn’t deposit money in thouqh she tried lots of times..so she asked mii 2 sms her my acc no..in e end..she copied e wronq acc no..haha..lucky my pay didn’t qo 2 some1 else..if not that person damn lucky..haha..still owe dar dar abt 50 plus..plus nn minus..not much left..muz start savinq 4 my drivinq license nn lots of frds bdae cominq too..

qoin 2 watch qong now..it was a nice show..funny too..

later goinq ecp with e mc..hmmm..of all places,they chose ecp..it’s my favourite place..really…love that place lots..but goinq there now only reminds mii of ….hopefully I qonna enjoy myself with them…after that we will be celebratinq zh’s bdae..it was a surprise 4 him..jx promised 2 qo hm early with mii..thanks..muackz..

haven finish uploadin those pics that we took at chomp chomp..now nn then,euu can c new pics beinq added..lazy 2 upload any 2night..i wanna watch princess hours..haha

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3:18 AM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

10 Oct

juz another dae in sch..my classmates were fun lovinq..we were discussinq abt our “bi ye ri xinq” in 1 ½ yr times..they were suqqestinq qo Taiwan..haha..nice place 4 youngster like us..but it seems kinda of far..i doubt my mummy will let mii qo there..but like wat manda said..i qot 1 ½ yrs 2 persuade them..haha..but in e end,I think their final destination was m’sia..shld start savinq now..haha..

all alonq my daddy had been urginq mii 2 qet a license..so I m now planninq..esp when I c so many of my frds r learninq now..still struqqlinq with myself..shld I qo take it..learnt more abt it from peter..definitely not as easy as wat I think..i qonna fork out e money myself nn qet a license..therefore muz plan even more..my hard earned money..haha

upon reachinq home,bathe nn watched princess hours..haha..so funny..then online..chanqed my bloq skin aqain..sadly to say..e entry box so small..cant c e whole of e pic..but I kinda of like it..so still chanqe..spend quite sometimes on it.

My frds thouqht somethinq wronq with mii..rest assured..i m fine..thanks 4 ur concern..*qreatly appreciated by mii*juz feel that nth much 2 talk..or rather I m back 2 my own self..no worries..i muz admit I do chanqed a lot after goinq poly..more noisy,extrovert esp with this hyper active class of mine..cant help but beinq influence by them too..haha..

Don noe wat 2 sayy or bloq too.. till next time..

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12:02 AM

Sunday, October 08, 2006

6 Oct
Is fridae aqain…wee wee..*qrins* most happy of all…I don need 2 qo work..haha..cuz I will be qoin chomp chomp with my beloved classmates…but there qoes my $42..haha..
Had lesson at 8..had fun durinq BMRENG prac..then that toopid boyy was like walkinq like a mode..toopid..but funny..haha..he qot 2 walk with shoes nn without sho9es 2 measure then round reaction force..then muz walked with clutches as well..haha..we finished pretty early so was playinq nn foolinq ard..i sat on wheelchair too..haha..dotz..nice exp thouqh..touch wood..haha..then kian,peter nn will did a toopid thinq..they damn retard..haha..actinq spastic..

We had our lunch at FC 4..then qian,li hua.qing yu,will n she zhiyan took train 2qether,,jx went home 2 pack her stuff 2 qo tu di’s house..manda nn I went 2 library..i was suppose 2 meet kiddie to teach him how 2 use factiva..manda was sayiin him really toopid..don even noe how 2 use that..haha..ya kinda of..cuz he kiddie..so cant be help..need 2 help him..meanwhile was usinq free access..readinq bloq,checkinq mail etc..then he called..i tauqht him how 2 use..as usual,he always like 2 tease nn shoot mii de..dotz..lucky manda shoot him back by sayinq him toopid..haha..then manda left 4 qem..so only left us..he damn impatient..euu can tell by e way he use e mouse..haha..at least manaqed 2 help him..he found a few nn print it out..then he qot qem at 1.. qot 2 chase him qo eat lunch then qo 4 qem..he really behave juz like a kid..so went with him to FC 1 4 lunch..of cuz I nv eat..juz sit down there pei him only..heard from manda she saw him at FC 1 too..but I didn’t c manda..she was there with wc..he ate spaq..it costs $5..haha..he said he qot conned by e aunt.haha..i also feel kinda of..it’s like so ex..but quite a biq portion..after lunch was like abt 1.10..he’s already late 4 class..but he planned to be late 4 30min..dotz..he even intend 2 eat dessert b4 he qo off..i qot 2 chase him 2 class..even qot 2 send him there cuz he said he has no idea where is t7..dotz..i m e nanny..i went back 2 library after that 2 use com..qot shoot by jx..was checkinq my mails..then Andrew called..
They kept callinq mii betrayal now..dotz..haha..

I qet off from e library at abt 2.30..went washroom b4 headinq 2 sports hall..was sitiinq at e bench outside e sports hall..saw cedrick..so he sat beside mii..he juz had a qame of basketball..we chatted a lot..really lots..then he juz rest his head on my shlder..he had a lonq dae..poor buddy..life is nv easy..i noe I wat euu goinq thru..but love is not everythinq..anyway was quite a interestinq qame..saw nainq too..he was e qoal keeper..saw mentorinq goal in..then there was a short break..then riqht after e break was e moment of qlory 4 e opponent team..they scored 3 GOALS!!!!

Then chatted with nainq nn Andrew 4 a while..manda was off from her qem..so we took mrt 2 will’s house..we waited 4 him at e bus stop..that toopid boyy..dilly dally..waited 4 him at e bus stop..then manda was so impatient..so funny..kept down there sayinq him..we went 2 packet rojak..it tastes yummy..

We r off 2 chomp chomp..woo woo..took 136 there..meet e rest at kovan..we went 2 eat snow ice while waitinq 4 kian,peter nn ash..share with bao bei er yoqurt ice with passion food..then took don noe wat bus 2 chomp chomp..it was damn hazy that dae..

Btw we reached there was like 6 plus to 7..kinda of late..kian nn will were shootinq manda on e way there..haha..we even say we wanna qo find”anq bee qeok”haha..euu quys shld noe who m I referinq to..our frd..it was pretty crowded there..fortunately we manaqed 2 find 2 tables that is kinda of near 2qether..e qal sit 1 table nn quys 1 table..

We ordered lots..such as strinqray,sambal sotonq(my family),kangonq,fried oyster eqq,chicken winqs,cereal prawns,hokkien mee nn satay..after main course,we qot our dessert..BEANCURB!!!!!!!lots of favour..like chocolate,strawberry,honeydew,manqo etc etc..lots of varieties..i had manqo..haha..then we took a pic with e uncle who is e boss..he even said he wanna put our pic at his stall..haha..it will definitely attracts more customer..haha..we went off 2 e small park near e bus stop 2 have our crazy candid shot..we r always so zi qian..cant be helped..haha..here r some pics that we took...

spastic them..haha..

here comes e yummy food..food glorious food...

closer view of e food..

kangkong of e dae..beware!!!!not Kinq konq..haha

sambal sotonq..

sambal strinqay

fried oyster eqq..

e quys..

e quys showin off with their notes..

spokeqals 4 e satay..haha


bbq chicken winqs!!!!!

our expressions tell it all..

cereal prawns..qian's favourite!!!!

cheers 2 chomp chomp..haha

qing yu nn ii drinkin e biq GIANT suqar cane..

li hua nn manda.

lulu nn lala..

e mess after eatinq..

lala nn mii havinq our metro moment..haha

lala nn lulu

qing yu nn mii

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11:51 AM

Friday, October 06, 2006

4 Oct

wished him a happy birthdae at 12 last niqht..then charqe my phone..watched xiao zhu till 2 ..my phone is fully charqed so I on my hp..1 of e sms was from him..

he replied” haha..thanks man qirl..that’s very nice of you..”

5 Oct

lesson at 8 2dae..so early..but lucky still make it on time..on e way 2 sch,I deleted his contact..meaninq I don have his no in my hp anymore..

I was on e same train with bao bei er..then we went for MCT lecture..we had our lunch at clementi as we had 2 hrs break..kian is finally back with e team..welcome him back..haha..as usual,with him around,bound 2 have more lauqhter..he even brouqht popcorn 2 MCT lecture..we were eatinq it..haha..juz like we r in e cinema..

Don noe..every1 seem kinda of sianz??or half dead durinq lunch time..perhaps is due 2 e humid weather??haha..went back 4 MCT prac..wow..we suppose 2 thnk of e proqram then qive us e pattern..it’s seems touqh 2 mii..qosh..juz like another OOP..my qod..plsss save mii from all this!!!!!!

Was teachinq alan with maths juz now cuz he qot e maths paper 1 tml..it’s been a lonq lonq time ever since I coach him..then he so careless..don even noe a simply stuff..so I said his brain contains qrass..haha..damn funny lo..we 2 had a qood lauqh..he complained to my mummy that I sid his brain contains qrass..to his surprised,my mummy aqreed too..hah..he was like dotz..haha..but anyway,qood luck 2 euu alan 4 ur maths paper tml..don be so careless..i noe that euu dislike maths cuz euu always don fare as well..but euu did pretty not bad juz now..should be able to boost up ur confidence in maths..

Juz now was on msn..was like chattinq with 8 ppl..yest was 10 msn windows..then was at frdster as well..chattinq with someone..then I realized that qals nowadays really damn flirt..thouqh I m a qal but I wont shield them too..it was like..qot a bf nn yet so close 2 another quy..qivinq him false hope..even asked him don iqnore her no matter wat happens..qosh..how kind can e qal be??plssss..damn selfish..shall not rant too much on that..then heard from 1 of my frd..e qal that xxx likes also like that..it kinda of shows that now it seems like is e qal dominating e world..in e past,it’s always e quy that 2 time or flirt..now,it seems 2 mii that e qals r into it..is it a siqn of revenqe???haha..but I still simply feel it’s not riqht to hurt those who loves euu..

He’s attached..don noe how shld I react??sad???perhaps I don noe how it feels like to be sad anymore..not anymore..but of cuz I m happy 4 him..seriously..euu quys miqht be thinkinq I m lyinq..i m not..euu don have 2 possess him..afterall,I wasn’t that sad..i didn’t take it too hard thouqh..i took it pretty well..i can noe more frds too from now on..^ _ ^

Tml my classmates goinq chomp chomp 4 CHOCOLATE beancurd session..wee wee..i qot work..*sadden* if I cant find any replacement then I cant join them..of cuz tempted 2 qo but how abt my work??manda nv say early also..dotz..haha..if I qo with them,I will lose $45..but I cant join them in e fun..in a dilemann..wat shld I do???haha..finally decision made after askinq my mummy..i decided 2 qo..haha..so I called amalfi when I reached home..anna picked up e phone..then I told her I cant make it tml..she said she will help mii find replacement..so kind of her???so rare..oops..haha..

Saw Andrew outside LT 14A..qian saw him 1st then told mii..so i said hi to him..then he nv brinq e adidas watch he promised..dotz..actually is e 1 that he said he wil draw 4 mii..haha..dotz..after while we were inside e lecture waitinq 4 e lecturer to come,he called..asked mii whether I wan his watch..he said can loan mii 4 a dae then I return 2 him tml..of cuz don wan..if I took his watch,then how is he goinq 2 look at e time??anyway,it was lame..qian nn I realized,he damn tian zhen also..haha..

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1:44 AM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Really had a damn qood slp..e weather was simply so nice 2 be piq..no doubt abt it..if I dodn’t c wronqly or dreaminq,I suppose is raininq damn heavily..that’s y I slp till 11 plus till will called..lucky he called..if not I qonna be late..

IBE prac was..full of question mark..haha..maths was still alrite..

Iit still weiqh on my mind..didn’t noe friendship can be so fraqile as well..a quy can chanqed everythinq..perhaps I make it sound till too serious..but it really shows me how fraqile a friendship can be..

I already explained 2 euu..euu confront mii..euu even doubt mii..i noe euu care 4 him..euu like him..but plssss lo..if I were 2 like him nn snatch with euu,I wldn’t even bother 2 explain 2 euu..cuz it matters 2 mii how euu think of it..euu still choose 2 believe ur instinct..wat ur sis said that can tell that I like him..ur mummy said I m his gf..i noe all this make euu suspect mii even more..i told euu I will stay away from him then euu said that’s yy eu don lie tellinq mii..i noe in ur heart euu wan mii do riqht that..then euu claimed that euu don like him anymore..obviously euu r lyinq..qals usually said e opposite of how they feel..whatever it is..u 2 settle urself..don qet mii involve..now I noe yy on sun euu wasn’t that happy when he cooked spaq vonqole 4 mii..he even shell it off 4 mii..now I noe everythinq..anyway I m juz disappointed in euu..can juz let a quy affect our friendship..euu once said,euu hope that ur bf can qet alonq well with sweetie nn ii..i don wish 2 really qet alonq well with ur bf..euu shld noe ur own character..euu will qet jealous easily de..i wld be happy 4 euu if euu quys qet 2qether since euu like him so much nn all alonq euu wanted 2 have a shoulder 2 lean on..he’s a nice nn sweet quy too..qood choice..

i m juz simply some1 that will definitely choose friendship over relationship..if so happent that i like him too..i will still qive it 2 euu..cuz i treausure euu more..it seems 2 mii that euu doesn't treasure mii as much as i treasure euu..that's fine with mii then..ya..sweetie nn i noe euu r some1 that will zhonq se qinq you de..we noe that sure will de..we don mind too..like mr b incident etc..euu only come cryinq 2 us whenn he hurts euu badly..we also be there 4 euu..as if we abandon euu over quys..anyway,let's qive ourself sometimes to cool down..

Even better,my mummy is anqry with mii now..how qreat!!!she said she shld had asked mii buy watermelon home so I told her euu can asked alan 2 buy too..then she said I talked back nn rant on..non stop..expected de..thn she will say abt lots of stuffs..brinqinq up everythinq..blah blah..simply reply nn yet she thinks that I m talkinq back..yaya..whatever..don wan care so much too..

Don wish 2 bloq anymore..ciao..

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9:21 PM

1.My ex is still...
somewhere in my heart???my mind??if is a yes 2 e qn in front..it qonna be out if it sooonz..

2.I am listening to sounds from
bu zai hu you mei you yi hou nn tui hou...

3.Maybe I should...
juz slp now…don think so much…

4.I love...
shopping,out with frds nn family..nothinq beats more than that..

5.My best friend...
euu guys noe who euu r..

6.I don't understand...
yy ppl wanna fall in love thouqh it hurts them so much..

7.I lost...
in my own world..i m happier that way..

8.People say...
I qot a to z,1 to 100..dotz..

9.The meaning of my screen name is...
come ask me ba..haha.

10.Love is...
juz simple 4 letters word but with many hidden meaninqs behind it..

11.Somewhere, someone is...
meant to be there 4 euu..

12.I will always...
be optimistic nn cheerful..

13.Forever seems...
so diffcult to define..nothinq lasts 4ever..

14.I never ever want to...
be sad..

15.My cell phone is...
a device that keeps mii connect to my frds..

16.When I woke up this morning...
I hope that I can qet back 2 slp aqain..haha..

17.I get annoyed...
when ppl accused mii of somethinq I nv did..

18.Parties are...
an occasion 2 let ppl have fun,4qet all their problems nn immerse in e happy moments..

19.My pet(s) are...

20.Kisses are the best when...
they are on the forehead

21. Today I...
woke up late..but I wans’t late in meetinq them..haha..

22. Tomorrow I will...
wake up nn don lai chuanq..be happy despite havinq a bad dae e dae b4..

23.I really want...
to be happy..be with my beloved family nn my frds..

7 random things about myself:
1. nothinq matters 2 mii more than my family..
2. cant live without DBE 2A22
3. love to eat but scared puttinq on weiqht..
4. optimistic..
5. but love sad sonqa cuz it has lots of feelinqs in it
6. can be crazy nn lame..so pardon mii..haha
7. currently sinqle..haha

7 things that scare me:
1. broke
2. my loved ones left mii..plsss don let it happen 2 mii aqain..
3. qettinq poor qrades cuz it qonna disappoint my parents
4. future seem bleak to mii cuz I m lost abt my dream..
5. lost everythinq that I had now
6 beinq fat nn uqly
7. seeinq him leadinq a bad life..

7 random songs at the moment:
1. bu zai hu you mei you yi hou
2. waitinq 4 euu
3. tui hou
4. wanq bu liao
5 love mii
6. one in a million
7 first love

6 things I like most:
1. family
2. lollipops!!!!
3. dbe2a22
4. money
5. shopping
6. chatting
7. everythinq I own now..

7 people to do this:
no specify person..any1 who saw it nn wish 2 qive it a try.. ~ ^ _ ^ ~

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3:37 AM

2 Oct

my bloq had been dead 4 a few days..not surprised at all..cuzi was lazy 2 bloq..haha..oh ya..a HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAE TO MY LALA FRD!!!!!!!!!hope euu like e qift that we qave euu thouqh jx tried 2 claim credit that she damn xin ku cuz she cant tell euu..yaya..we r havinq a touqh time too..esp manda nn mii..haha..we qot 2 take turns brinq e book back..then muz carry in sch..then manda qot 2 qo buyy..called mii 2 ask 4 suqqestion..euu shld thank manda..our miss piqlet..haha..nn of cuz mii too!!!!!!!!haha..

a dae out with bao bei er..wee wee..nice date we had at Holland v..we ate e fish head bee hoon nn san lao hor fun..lonq time nv eat le..damn yummy..simply delicious..damn full too..chatted lots of stuffs with bao bei er..after dinner,we had a walk at Holland v..loiterinq abt..we saw eski bar nn many others pubs nn bars as well..kinda of reminds mii of e time that I lived here..it’s been a lonq time since I came back here..indeed,it chanqed a lot..

finally qian’s present is done…wee wee..very nice..i also wanna 2 have 1..i called it e “memories of book”..initially will nn manda passed her e maple card..then they asked her qo down 2 e front nn we started sinqinq her a bdae sonq..quess she muz be touched..haha..it was e end of BMRENG..while waitinq 4 e qals 2 qo toilet nn refill water,peetr pass 2 qian e flower..ahha..his expression nn actions were damn funny..he said don wan let e “buq teeth” c it..that explains his actions..haha..hope qian loves e present..

OOP was horrible!!!!!!!!plsss save mii from that..damn touqh lo..*sob sob*it was a lonq nn tormentinq 3 hrs..qot to buck up on it more..

2night wasn’t that qood afterall..but thanks that I qot qian nn e lamer toopid boyy will..thanks..haha..i didn’t mean 2 said him toopid too..juz that I need an adj 2 describe him..i told euu b4..haha..so don scold me aqain..

euu seem 2 misunderstood mii..i already clarify nn assure euu whatever I can..i cant help it too if euu still continue 2 believe in ur instinct..

enouqh of bloqqin..night..

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3:02 AM