This is e bdae present that qy n qian qian got for me!!!really surprised!!is sth that i wan all along..=))
my NUM NUM!!
NUM havaianas!!
17th may
met up with bear bear, qy, marvin nn his frds to go for nus tea session..whaha..surprisingly, i don c any chinese students ushers there!!is all ahem race..when marvin asked them abt ntu n nus..they simply comdemn ntu to e bottom..they seemed to be really proud of nus but they shldnt condemn ntu to that extreme too..simply reflect badly on them!!
it seemed like we jus went there to eat a little..saw andrew there..he clashed!!still anyhow register using other ppl name nn got himself a goodie bag!!whaha..super funny!but of cuz nice seein him again.
went down to disney natural with bear bear to settle her pay was really e FIRST time that i saw her so worked up nn angry!!i m shocked nn scared though..whaha..don noe how to console her..not only i felt that way, qy nn marvin were shocked too!poor bear bear..hope she gonna get her pay soon..that toopid company.cheater!!head down to ikea for a walk to look at furnitures etc..e weather is super hot today!it seemed like i m in a desert..bought hot dog bun fr tastes pretty yummy!!!
i got my GUESS heel fr taka..initially,i bought another pair which priginally costs $99.80 but after a 20% discount, it was $79.92..while i was billing, i saw this lady in front of me, payin for a pair of GUESS heel..i regretted!!wanna go n look at GUESS after payin, i went over with bear bear nn qy to look nn i saw a pair that seem not bad!!so i asked e sales lady is it alright to change nn sahe said YES!!so got e GUESS heel instead nn top up $5.i m both a happy nn broke gal now..whaha
so while payin for e GUESS heel, e lady who served me when i bought e 1st heel asked me whats wrong with it..i felt so i jus told her i like e other pair instead..wonder did they earn commission fr it??if yes, also no choice though i felt bad but i prefer e GUESS 1 more nn bear bear nn qy agreed that is nicer..whaha
had great wall porridge at chinatown with them..had a really full dinner nn we walked ard nn went hm..all of us went hm with sth rewarding for ourselves!!i got a GUESS heel, bear bear bought a everlast shoes, qy bought masks nn face liftin cream!!whaha
GUESS wat's inside??
my lovely GUESS heel!!
i love it to core ^ ^